World BEYOND War Burundi: Health AND Nonviolent Communication

By World BEYOND War, September 2, 2024

On 6 September 2024, the Burundi chapter of World BEYOND War is organising a session on non-violent communication (NVC) for an empathetic approach in the Burundi health system.

Burundi is facing major challenges in its healthcare system, particularly in terms of accessibility and quality of care. One of the problems identified is the lack of empathic and caring communication skills among healthcare professionals, sometimes leading to strained relations with patients. Developing these communication skills would improve patient care, user satisfaction and the image of the healthcare system.

The exchange session aims to strengthen the non-violent communication (NVC) skills of medical students and healthcare professionals in Burundi in order to promote an empathetic and caring approach in the healthcare system.

Specifically, the session will focus on

  1. Organising NVC skills-building sessions for medical students and healthcare professionals. 200 students and healthcare professionals have been identified and will be trained in NVC techniques;
  2. Set up a network of NVC mentors to support students and young professionals. A network of 20 NVC mentors will be set up to support students and young professionals.

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