Video: David Swanson and David Hartsough Talk War and Peace with Harvey Wasserman

By Green GrassRoots Election Protection, May 21, 2024

Lots of people joined in and asked questions. Enjoy.

One Response

  1. You speak a lot of “information” OK WWs 1 and 2 destroyed my little family of ancestors (all American citizens … the 19th century born were naturalized … business owners and med professionals).
    History of all human societies recognizes the ubiquity of conflict, aggression, and the up and down consequences. You are all feeling good about yourselves and your followers. Congrats. My luncheon friend is a member and gave me her card displaying your WORLDBEYONDWAR logo. Nice. Jesus and krishna and the buddha and mohammed all walked into a bar and said let’s drink to a worldbeyondwar. Blessings.

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