AUDIO: Rachel Small on the Peace Movement in Canada and the World

By Palestine Solidarity Voices, August 1, 2023

In this podcast episode, host Chris Wannamaker sits down with Rachel Small, the Canada organizer of the organization called World BEYOND War. Join them as they delve into the crucial work of this global grassroots initiative that passionately advocates for the abolishment of war and military trades in Canada.

Rachel shares insightful perspectives on the organization’s mission to redirect Canadian taxpayer funds, which are currently allocated towards purchasing weaponized drones and selling military equipment to countries involved in conflicts, such as Israel and Saudi Arabia. Together, they discuss the implications of such actions and the devastating consequences they have on innocent lives in these regions.

Tune in to this engaging conversation to learn more about the efforts to promote peace, influence government decisions, and encourage policy changes regarding the militarization of Canada. Explore the potential solutions and alternatives that World Behind War proposes to ensure a more peaceful and cooperative future globally.

Join us for an eye-opening discussion about the impact of war, the role of international trade, and why the Canadian public’s voice is crucial in shaping a more peaceful world.

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