Outline of an Alternative Security System

(This is section 17 of the World Beyond War white paper A Global Security System: An Alternative to War. Continue to preceding | following section.)

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See four separate parts of the paper that compose the “Alternative Security System”

Common Security


     Common Security



Demilitarizing Security


    Demilitarizing Security



Managing International and Civil Conflicts


    Managing International and Civil Conflicts



International NGOs: The Role of Civil Society


    International Non-government Organizations: The Role of Global Civil Society



Dream catchers are a tradition of the Native American culture . . . . Coach Taylor Davis and sophomore Paul Price of Tahlequah, Okla. work on weaving the dream catcher.” (More at coffeyville.edu)

No single strategy will end war. They must be layered and woven together to be effective. In what follows, each element is stated as sparsely as possible. Entire books have been written about them, a few of which are listed in the Resources Section. As will be apparent, choosing a world beyond war will require us to dismantle the existing War System and create the institutions of an Alternative Global Security System and/or to further develop them where they already exist in embryo. Note that World Beyond War is not proposing a sovereign world government, but rather a web of governing structures voluntarily entered into, and a shift in cultural norms away from violence and domination.

(Continue to preceding | following section.)

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