New Online Database and Map Set Shows All Nations’ Foreign Military Bases, Current and Former

By World BEYOND War, September 12, 2024

At is a set of interactive maps that allow you to spin the globe, click on a military base, zoom in on it for a satellite image and information and links about the base, as well as — when possible — information about the particular harm the base is causing and about the good people working to get the base closed.

This online tool has been extremely popular since it was launched with only U.S. foreign military bases. While the United States dominates the sphere of foreign bases, there are 17 other nations that have relatively tiny numbers of them. We’ve now expanded our resource to include a new map for each of those other nations.

We’ve also added a new map of bases that have been closed, for whatever reasons, along with information — when we have it — on who did what to get each base closed. While World BEYOND War is proud to have been part of campaigns that have prevented planned bases from ever being built, existing bases can also be closed, even converted to useful projects, and land restored to a healthy state and/or restored to its rightful inhabitants.

The data required for a set of maps that aims to include all foreign military bases is enormous, and we will continue to always need help from everyone possible in updating and correcting and augmenting our information. Please do not hesitate to contact us.

For an in-depth introduction to the problem of foreign military bases and what can be done and is being done about them, there’s a terrific opportunity coming up very soon, namely World BEYOND War’s annual conference, which this year will be on the topic of bases. The entire conference will be on Zoom, but portions of it will also be in-person in Washington, D.C.; Sydney, Australia; Wanfried, Germany; and Bogotá, Colombia. Reserve your spot for September 20-22 here:

Here are videos about the online bases maps, one about the original system and one about the new updates:

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