Category: North America

militarized police

Police Are a Lie

The parallels between the police-prosecution-prison system and the war system are extensive. I don’t mean the direct connections, the flow of weapons, the flow of veterans. I mean the similarities: the intentional failure to use superior alternatives, the ideology of violence used to justify horrible ideas, and the expense and corruption.

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faces in a zoom webinar

VIDEO: NATO: What’s Wrong With It?

As the conflict in Ukraine is raging and heads of states of NATO member countries get ready to meet in Madrid June 28-30, we invite you to join us in discussing and deconstructing North Atlantic Treaty Organization with three expert guests: Ajamu Baraka of Black Alliance for Peace, Ret. Colonel Ann Wright of CODEPINK and Veterans for Peace, and Alice Slater of World BEYOND War.

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lockheed martin ad for fighter jets, fixed to tell the truth

Canada’s War Problem

The F-35 is not a tool of peace or even of military defense. It is a stealth, offensive, nuclear-weapons-capable airplane designed for surprise attacks with the potential to intentionally or accidentally launch or escalate wars, including nuclear war. It is for attacking cities, not just other airplanes.

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defusing nuclear war

VIDEO: Defuse Nuclear War

Forty years ago, one million people gathered in Central Park to demand an end to the nuclear arms race. The threat of nuclear catastrophe persists to this day, but it doesn’t have to be this way.

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