Category: North America

We’re Putting Up New Billboards In Germany And United States

As part of our ongoing global billboards for peace campaign, and as part of our efforts to organize events and awareness around the entering into law of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons on January 22, 2021, we are working with the organizations named on the billboards below to put up billboards around Puget Sound in Washington State and around downtown Berlin, Germany.

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Vancouver WBW Pursues Divestment and Nuclear Abolition

The Vancouver, Canada, chapter of World BEYOND War is advocating for divestment from weapons and fossil fuels in Langley, British Columbia, (something World BEYOND War has had success with in other cities), as well as supporting a resolution on nuclear abolition in Langley, in light of the recent achievement of the 50th nation ratifying the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.

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