Category: North America

The New War

National Guard units across the country have been called to battle wildfires, conduct rescue operations in flood-stricken areas, and respond broadly to disaster relief brought on by climate change.

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Bombing of Baghdad

War Powers Reform and the Pretense Thereof

I don’t like the downsides in these bills at all. I think they’re horrific, disgraceful, and absolutely indefensible. But I think they’re outweighed by the upsides, even in the Senate bill, though the House one is better. Yet, clearly best of all would be for Congress to make use of any of these things, either one of the new bills or the law as it exists today.

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Military Suicide: One More Reason To Abolish War

The Pentagon issued its annual report recently on suicide in the military, and it provides us with very sad news. Despite spending hundreds of millions of dollars on programs to stem this crisis, the suicide rate for active-duty U.S. troops rose to 28.7 per 100,000 during 2020, up from 26.3 per 100,000 the previous year.

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