Category: Africa


By Mbizo CHIRASHA, World BEYOND War, July 2, 2020 DICTATOR’S DOEKS Grandma’s sweat bathes the statehouse tarmacs, Poverty shaved fathers are the glitter that replaced

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By Mbizo CHIRASHA, World BEYOND War, June 14, 2020 AZANIA!! Azania! I have a song for you A song of bees feasting the rainbow nectar

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Jacob Zuma facing corruption charges

Zuma’s Day In Court

By Terry Crawford-Browne, June 23, 2020 Former South Africa President Jacob Zuma and the French government-controlled Thales arms company have been charged with fraud, money

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Demons Grazing

By Mbizo CHIRASHA, World BEYOND War, June 14, 2020 DEMONS GRAZING I Democracy does not heal the syphilis of apartheid It never healed the hepatitis

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By Mbizo CHIRASHA, World BEYOND War, June 14, 2020 See talking slums silenced tongues freedom silenced hope killed a bling of ghettos collapsed humanity Mothers

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