Category: Podcasts

Guy Feugap, Helen Peacock and Heinrich Beucker of World Beyond War

World BEYOND War Podcast: Chapter Leaders From Cameroon, Canada and Germany

For the 23rd episode of our podcast, we spoke to three of our chapter leaders: Guy Feugap of World BEYOND War Cameroon, Helen Peacock of World BEYOND War South Georgian Bay, and Heinrich Buecker of World BEYOND War Berlin. The resulting conversation is a bracing record of the intersecting planetary crises of 2021, and a reminder of the crucial need for resistance and action on both regional and global levels.

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Whose Mine Is It Anyway?

Canada likes to trade on the “middle power” trope. Tucked away among the many, snuggled up with peer states just outside the focus given to global hegemons, the country goes about its business, friendly and mild. Nothing to see here. 

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