Category: Myths

Webinar: What About World War II?

This webinar features David Swanson, Executive Director of World BEYOND War, discussing the “What about WWII?” question so popular among supporters of military spending, and the history of Armistice Day.

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Canada's combat ship program

Who Is The Enemy? Defund Militarism And Fund Institutions Of Social Value In Canada

Canada needs a conversion to a green economy, away from fossil fuel production, to include a fair transition and retraining of displaced workers. There is a need for extraordinary investment in the new economy to enable a move towards climate change mitigation, environmental sustainability and social justice. We do not need increased investment in things that have no redeeming social value by endlessly preparing for war.

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In 1940, the United States Decided to Rule the World

Stephen Wertheim’s Tomorrow, The World examines a shift in elite U.S. foreign-policy thinking that took place in mid-1940. Why in that moment, a year and a half before the Japanese attacks on the Philippines, Hawaii, and other outposts, did it become popular in foreign-policy circles to advocate for U.S. military domination of the globe?

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Glorious Causes by Yale Magrass and Charles Derber

Glory: The Deadliest Drug

Yale Magrass and Charles Derber’s latest book is called Glorious Causes: The Irrationality of Capitalism, War, and Politics. I hope people are reading it. I worry, because after Mom, apple pie, and shopping, what are more popular than capitalism, war, and politics?

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Bolivian woman votes in October 18 election

Ending Regime Change – In Bolivia And The World

Less than a year after the United States and the U.S.-backed Organization of American States (OAS) supported a violent military coup to overthrow the government of Bolivia, the Bolivian people have reelected the Movement for Socialism (MAS) and restored it to power.

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Trump with troops

Troops Out Of Germany And Down A Rabbit Hole

The lack of any peace candidate or peace party, combined with Trump’s tendency to only ever do the right things for insanely wrong reasons, and the virtual exclusion of all talk of peace from political discourse, means that troop withdrawals and war-alliance-dismantlings and even the ending of wars can all be treated as nefarious evil deeds, while anything that facilitates mass murder is good humanitarianism.

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call for embargo in Nagorno-Karabakh conflict

Guess Who Arms Both Azerbaijan and Armenia

As with many wars around the world, the current war between Azerbaijan and Armenia is a war between militaries armed and trained by the United States. And in the view of some experts, the level of weapons purchased by Azerbaijan is a key cause of the war.

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