The True Nobel Peace Candidates 2016

This list is still being added to at

Letter Feb. 2, 2016 from the Nobel Peace Prize Watch to the Nobel Committee:

Dear Kaci Kullmann Five, Thorbjørn Jagland, Berit Reiss-Andersen, Henrik Syse, Inger-
Marie Ytterhorn, members of the committee

The Nobel Peace Prize Watch has the pleasure of submitting to you our short list of
candidates actually qualified for the 2016 Nobel “prize for the champions of peace.” The list is
based on an analysis of the purpose Nobel actually had in mind and on actual nominations,
published below, not mere speculations. The list has been prepared as part of the NPPW´s
continuing effort to realize the specific peace idea Nobel had in mind, by 1) assisting the
peace prize awarders and the nominators, 2) informing the general public, 3) encouraging all
concerned to see and home in on the peace plan Nobel referred to in his will. Please find our
list of qualified candidates here:

Read the full letter here

The Nobel Peace Prize Watch guidelines for screening nominations, see here


Article 9, Japan

Bolkovac, Kathryn, USA

Bryn, Steinar, Norway

Tony de Brum and the (Marshall Islands) legal team, Republic of the Marshall Islands

Ellsberg, Daniel, USA

Falk, Richard, USA

Ferencz, Benjamin, USA

Galtung, Johan, Norway

IALANA, International Association of Lawyers against Nuclear War, Berlin, New York, Colombo (Sri Lanka)

Johnson, Rebecca, UK

Juristen und Juristinnen gegen atomare, biologische ung chemische Waffen, Berlin

Malalai Joya, Afghanistan

David Krieger, USA

Lindner, Evelin, main basis Norway

Federico Mayor and the culture of peace initiative, Spain

Hidankyo, Nihon Japan

Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, NAPF, USA

Oberg, Jan, Sweden

Pace, Bill, USA

Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament (PNND)

Roy, Arundhati, India

Snowden, Edward, USA

Swanson, David, USA

Weiss, Peter, New York

Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF)

Nominated by prof. Terje Einarsen, Uni of Bergen and prof. Aslak Syse, Uni of Oslo:

Kathryn Bolkovac, USA

High-resolution photo here

Arundhati Roy, India

Edward Snowden, USA (in exile)

High-resolution photo here

“Arundhati Roy is an Indian author and activist, and one of the most inspiring and powerful critics in our time of modern military power, nuclear weapons and neo-imperialism. Roy’s life and work have a clear international dimension, fighting against global injustice with the destructive tug of war over power and influence at its center. Her strong warning against nuclear weapons in the text “The End of Imagination” indicates just how self-destructive and irrational man has become in the chase for control and power. She writes: “The nuclear bomb is the most anti-democratic, anti-national, anti-human, evil thing that man has ever made.” In “War is Peace”, she writes about the contradictory idea that peace can be achieved through military means; War is not peace – peace is peace. …. “

The three… stood up to defend democracy, peace, and justice against the threats that the military always entails, even in cases where the intention may be good. This is a very important focus in our time, where the future will be characterized by major global challenges requiring a massive common preference of peaceful means.

[A Nobel] to Snowden, Bolkovac and Roy will be a prize in accordance with Alfred Nobel’s will, prescribing that the prize shall be awarded to champions of peace who promote global cooperation (the fraternity of nations) on a world order that seeks peace by peaceful means. Snowden, Bolkovac and Roy come from different backgrounds and the peace work they engage in takes different forms. Together they show the need for a far more demilitarized world order building on morality, solidarity, courage and justice.”

Full nomination text, in Norwegian, in English translation,

Bolkovac was nominated by Prof. Syse for 2015, see here, Snowden by Prof. Einarsen, see here. Arundathi Roy is a new (first time(?)) nomination.


Nominated by Snežana Jonica, MP, Montenegro (also nominated in 2015):

Steinar Bryn, Norway

“Their work for peace and reconciliation started when Sarajevo was still under siege in 1995. The Olympic Connection between Sarajevo (1984) and Lillehammer (1994) opened doors and made it possible for the Nansen Academy in Lillehammer to enter the war zone in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Over the last 20 years (see the publication 20 Years in the Eyes of the Storm) the Nansen Dialogue Network has worked steadily, persistently to build up trust and confidence in local communities in the most war torn communities in Europe after WW II, … rebuilding of trust, tolerance and integration.

[Nils Christie, in 2015:]
“But it is clear that these ideas and desires are even more important on the international arena. Steinar Bryn and Nansen Dialogue have created a model that shows that reconciliation, settlement and peace-building is possible, even within where large and fresh post-war wounds still exist. This is vital experiences and ideas of the greatest value for the effort of global peace-building which Nobel had as the aim of the prize; it is new knowledge deserving recognition and the attention that a Nobel Prize will give.”

See the full nomination here.

Nominated by the International Peace Bureau, Geneva (the 1910 Nobel laureate):

Tony de Brum and the (Marshall Islands) legal team, Republic of the Marshall Islands

“On April 24, 2014, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, RMI, filed landmark lawsuits against the nine nuclear-armed nations for failing to comply with their obligations under international law to pursue negotiations for the worldwide elimination of nuclear weapons. As the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation [another 2016 nominee] underlines: “The Republic of the Marshall Islands acts for the seven billion of us who live on this planet to end the nuclear weapons threat hanging over all humanity. Everyone has a stake in this.”
The RMI has made a courageous step in challenging nine of the world’s most powerful states at the International Court of Justice [and in] a parallel court case against the USA at the Federal District Court1. RMI argues that the nuclear weapons‐possessing countries have breached their obligations under Article VI of the Treaty on the Non‐Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) and customary international law by continuing to modernize their arsenals and by failing to pursue negotiations in good faith on nuclear disarmament.

RMI’s former Foreign Minister Tony de Brum has played the key political role in gaining support and approval for this initiative.”

See the full nomination here.


Nominated by Marit Arnstad, Member of the Norwegian Parliament (also in 2015):

Daniel Ellsberg, USA

High-resolution photo here

«…. Ellsberg is an inspiring example of how authoritative and responsible citizen can influence world-historical events. He was willing to pay a high price to share this information publicly – and he contributed significantly to the ending of one of most dismal chapters of the 20th century war history. The fact that Ellsberg is a citizen of one of the world’s most powerful nations adds a particular dimension to his contribution to peace. In addition to this we have Ellsberg’s lifelong and extraordinarily meritorious work for peace and disarmament, where he represents a comprehensive movement that over the years has contributed to peace and détente. He has carried this work forward with undiminished strength during 2015.

Ellsberg’s example and attitudes have proved to be of great current significance, and he has won a well deserved reputation as the “grand old man” of whistleblowing. ”

See the nomination here (in Norwegian) and here (in English translation).


Nominated by Director Jan Oberg, Transnational Foundation, Sweden and Prof Farzeen Nasri, Ventura College, USA (nominated also in 2015):

Richard Falk, USA

High-resolution photo here

A legal scholar working with world order models, global governance, nuclear disarmament to realize UN Charter and peace by peaceful means

“I noticed with considerable satisfaction the emphasis the Nobel Committee chair, Kaci Kullmann Five, placed on Alfred Nobel and his will in her opening words in the Nobel speech on Dec. 10, 2015.

The reference to dialogue, negotiations, and disarmament as central aspects of Nobel’s peace vision was in fine harmony with Nobel´s specific recipe for preventing wars by global co-operation on disarmament.

Professor Richard A. Falk, USA, is a world renown scholar who has invested unique skills and energy in a life-long commitment to Nobel’s stated goals through consistent work with world order models as well as global governance based on the rule of law and a strong democratic civil society.

His immense production – based on both academic and on-the-ground work – directly points to the many opportunities for creating a world in which there are no nuclear weapons and most conflicts are solved in adherence with the UN Charter’s highest norm (Article 1) that peace shall be created by peaceful means – a term which by definition implies nuclear abolition, de-militarisation and the achievement of the world community’s decade old commitment to general and complete disarmament.

Referring to and repeating earlier nominations by late professor Ståle Eskeland, Oslo, I would like therefore to nominate Richard Falk for the Nobel Peace Prize 2016.»

Read the nomination letter here

Nominated by Prof. Robert J. Glossop, Southern Illinois Uni

Benjamin Ferencz, USA

Bill Pace, USA



To acknowledge the role of civil society organizations in developing international law on the prosecution of war crimes:
«[The two persons I nominate] were instrumental behind the scenes in the development of the International Criminal Court (ICC). The Rome Conference of 1998 produced the Rome Statute for the ICC (the Hague) …. the revolutionary permanent tribunal which can prosecute individuals for genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. Prosecuting the individuals who are responsible for such crimes is a main way of eliminating war from society.

«Ben Ferenz … served as Prosecutor for the United States in the Nuremberg war crimes trials after World War II. He later became Adjunct Professor at Pace Law School in White Plains, New York, USA. Books he has authored include Defining International Aggression: The Search for World Peace (Oceana, 1975), Less Then Slaves: Jewish Forced Labor and the Quest for Compensation (Harvard, 1979), An International Criminal Court: A Step Toward World Peace (Oceana, 1980), Enforcing International Law: A Way to World Peace (Oceana, 1983), A Common Sense Guide to World Peace (Oceana, 1985), Planethood (with Ken Keyes, Jr., Vision, 1988, 1991), World Security for the 21st Century (ed., Oceana, 1991), and Global Survival: Security through the Security Council (Oceana, 1994). There are also German-language versions of some of these books. Mr. Ferencz worked behind the scenes with several organizations such as the Coalition for the International Criminal Court in order to convene [and] actively participated in the Rome Conference itself and …has also given many lectures and participated in many conferences about the ICC.”

«Bill Pace … the Executive Director of the World Federalist Movement-Institute for Global Policy (WFM-IGP) and Convenor of the Coalition for the International Criminal Court (CICC). He was a member of the Organizing Committee which convened the Hague Appeal for Peace Conference, the largest international peace conference in history on May 11-15, 1999, in The Hague, Netherlands. Nearly 10,000 people from over 100 countries responded to an appeal launched by the International Peace Bureau (IPB), the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW), the International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms (IALANA), and the World Federalist Movement (WFM). Then he led the formation of the Coalition for the International Criminal Court (CICC) which played a major behind-the-scenes role in bringing about the Rome Conference and the adoption of the Rome Treaty. His international coalition led the effort to get national ratifications from 60 countries so that the treaty went into effect in July, 2002, much more rapidly than anticipated. Now 123 countries have ratified the Rome Statute, many because of the efforts of the CICC under his leadership. Mr. Pace also has given many lectures and participated in many conferences about the ICC.

See the full nomination here

Benjamin Ferencz also renominated for 2016 by Prof Hope May, Central Michigan Uni,

“Ferencz has passionately worked to make this framework become a reality. At 95, he reminds us of the work that we have yet to accomplish – such as criminalizing aggressive war – and he appeals to young people to continue this intergenerational project. For these efforts Ferencz deserves to be recognized by the world’s population and to be seen as a most ardent worker in the full awakening of the human conscience.”

See the full nomination here

Nominated by Richard Falk, Princeton, USA:

Johan Galtung, Norway

A prize to honor the pioneer of peace research and a tireless life in develping theory and practice for peace by non-military means

“For decades Johan Galtung has been an inspirational presence in the field of peace studies broadly conceived. His exceptional vitality and mobility has brought this message of understanding and insight into peace with justice to the four corners of the planet in a remarkable fashion that is truly unique in its educational and activist impact. It is no exaggeration to write that he invented and established the field of peace studies as a respected subject of study in institutions of higher learning throughout the world. As a consequence of his charismatic speaking ability and seminal writing Johan Galtung has reached the hearts and minds of thousands of people throughout the world, conveying the belief above all that peace is possible through the dedicated efforts of ordinary people if they are work to change the political climate sufficiently to educate and excert pressure on the political leaders of the world as well as on global media.
With all due respect, the time is long overdue to honor those who through thought and deed have brought Alfred Nobel’s vision to life for students and activists of all civilizational backgrounds. It is only by creating this global peace consciousness at the grassroots level that we can have any realistic hope of overcoming the entrenched militarism that remains so dominant in governmental bureaucracies throughout the world. Giving Johan Galtung the kind of platform that the Nobel Prize affords would itself be an enormous contribution to the realization of a peaceful world, and the fact the he is a Norwegian son would have a special resonance in the country and beyond.”

Read the full nomination here.


Nominated by Giulio Marcon, Member of the Italian House of Parliament:


Professor Galtung’s unique imprint on the study of conflict and peace stems from the combination of systematic scientific inquiry and the Gandhian ethics of peaceful means and harmony. This has enabled him to communicate and implement shared change within the most different cultural and religious contexts: a lesson which is the key also for the solution of our common XXI century global challenges.

A truly extraordinarily creative, productive and global life at the service of peace would deserve the recognition of the Nobel Peace Prize”

See the full nomination here


Nominated by Kazuko SHIOJIRI (Ph.D.), Professor, Tokyo International University:

Nihon Hidankyo, Japan

Article 9, Japan



“After the atomic-bomb attacks in 1945 on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, ‘Nihon Hidankyo’ has been acting to appeal to whole the world inhuman nature of nuclear weapons and necessity of peace to prevent any kinds of war for humanity.»

“Since its foundation in 2004, ‘Kyujo-no-Kai’ has been appealing to the world spirit of the Article 9 of Constitution of Japan which advocates absolute abandonment of the war, emphasizing significance of peace for existence of humanity in the future.”

See the whole nomination here.

Nominated by Mairead Maguire, Northern Ireland, Nobel laureate:

Rebecca Johnson, UK

High-resolution photo here

“Although she became a well-respected writer and teacher on disarmament and arms control, Rebecca never abandoned her roots in nonviolent activism for peace, human rights and justice, working particularly to empower women and support women. Disappointed after her strategies with the New Agenda Coalition to obtain consensus agreement among NPT states for the Thirteen Steps to Nuclear disarmament in 2000 came to naught, Rebecca moved to Scotland in 2006-8, as co-organizer of Faslane 365, a grassroots initiative to mobilise groups of people from all walks of life and all parts of the world to demonstrate their opposition to Trident renewal with nonviolent peace actions at the Faslane nuclear base.
To promote disarmament, she organized and spoke at hundreds of further meetings and actions around Britain and internationally and published analyses and books, including ‘Worse than Irrelevant’ and ‘Trident and International Law’ advocating nuclear disarmament rather than Trident replacement and ‘Decline or Transform’ on the need to strengthen the NPT with additional disarmament measures.

From 2009, Rebecca took the lead in civil society efforts to reframe nuclear disarmament as a humanitarian imperative, serving for some years as the Co-Chair of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) and giving civil society’s closing statement at the ground-breaking Oslo Conference on the Humanitarian Impacts of Nuclear Weapons in March 2013.

Full nomination letter, here

Nominated by Prof. Berit von der Lippe, BI (Norwegian Business School), Oslo:

Malalai Joya, Afghanistan

“Malalai Joya stands out with remarkable intelligence, integrity and courage as a woman in Afghanistan who has spoken against the dominating role of warlords in Afghan politics – with whom US/NATO/ISAF collaborated from day one October 2001. She has thus underlined the evident hypocrisy of Western ‘saving and liberating Afghan women’ and has been an outspoken person against Western ambitions to interfere and dominate Third World countries.

She has thus gone to the heart of the militarized world order that exists today. Risking her own life, she has in multiple ways made manifest the betrayal of Nobel’s intention, i.e. a demilitarized world order that Nobel wished his prize to promote. In my view Joya is working directly to realize the farewell to arms purpose that Nobel wished to serve with his peace prize.”

Read the full nomination here

Nominated by Prof Phillip C. Naylor, Marquette University

Kathy Kelly, USA

“Kathy Kelly (born 1952)[1][2] is an American peace activist, pacifist and author, one of the founding members of Voices in the Wilderness, and currently a co-coordinator of Voices for Creative Nonviolence. As part of peace team work in several countries, she has traveled to Iraq twenty-six times, notably remaining in combat zones during the early days of both US-Iraq wars. Her recent travel has focused on Afghanistan and Gaza, along with domestic protests against U.S. drone policy. She has been arrested more than sixty times at home and abroad, and written of her experiences among targets of U.S. military bombardment and inmates of U.S. prisons.» (Wikipedia – further details her peace activism)

See the full nomination here

Nominated by Adj. Prof Bill Wickersham, Uni of Missouri (also in 2015):


David Krieger, USA

High-resolution photo here

Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, NAPF, USA

A valiant fighter, educator and organizer for international co-operation on disarmament and abolition of nuclear weapons,

“Under Dr. Krieger’s guidance, NAPF’s Peace Leadership Program has grown into a recognized international program for peace. Directed by Paul K. Chappell, a West Point graduate, and Iraq war veteran, peace leaders are given the tools and training needed to … achieve peace. During 2015, this program inspired more than 5000 people.

Critical to the cause of nuclear abolition is the education and involvement of the next generation. NAPF’s vital Internship Program exposes young people to the fields of peace and security, non-profit management, and careers with conscience. Interns gain hands-on experience working with a non-profit educational and advocacy organization. … Countless interns learn from their time at NAPF that their path in life will involve making the world a more peaceful place.

Dr. Krieger … has also championed peace and nuclear disarmament in many other organizations. He is a co-founder of Abolition 2000 … of the International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global Responsibility (INES) and has served as the Chair of its Executive Committee. He is a founder of the Middle Powers Initiative and has served as the Chair of its Executive Committee. He is a Councilor on the World Future Council and serves as Co-Chair of its Peace and Disarmament Commission.
Dr. Krieger has authored and edited more than twenty books and hundreds of articles on peace, justice and nuclear weapon abolition.”

See the full nomination here.


Nominated by prof. Thomas Hylland Eriksen, Uni of Oslo (also in 2015):

Evelin Lindner, Norway

Photo: Evelin Frerk,

“An underlying theme in Lindner’s recent work is that the culture of competing for domination by all means, including armed violence, was once the accepted cultural script worldwide, not just in Africa. It often is accompanied by the indifference of bystanders. Yet, in an interconnected world, this script is more than ethically indefensible. In an interconnected world, no region can hope to remain safely insulated, be it from global ecological damage or from a culture of militarism.»

Read the repeat nomination 2016 here – full presentation 2015 nomination here

Nominated by Ingeborg Breines, Co-president of the International Peace Bureau (nominated Mayor/UNESCO in 2015)

Federico Mayor and the culture of peace initiative


“Federico Mayor …. continues … to work for a transition from a culture of imposition and war to a culture of dialogue and peace. Through his writings, talks, and huge network of distinguished people, he is able to inspire and guide thinkers and political decision-makers alike. … At the IPB annual conference in Padova: Paths to Peace in November 2015 Federico Mayor strongly underlined that the world urgently need to disarm to free resources for development and for meeting the challenges of climate change and of migration.
… UNESCO established a culture of peace program, with a large number of partners, and encouraged the UN to make the year 2000 the International Year for a Culture of Peace to be followed by the Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-violence for the Children of the World (2001-2010). A Recommendation and a Plan of Action were developed to guide and inspire the work both at a governmental and civil society level. UNESCO developed with some Nobel Peace Prize Laureates a Manifesto for a Culture of Peace that was signed by more than 70 million people and presented to the Secretary General of the UN.”Read the full nomination here



Nominated by Christian Juhl, MP, Denmark (also in 2015):


Dr. Jan Oberg, Sweden

“In 2015, Mr. Oberg used the occasion of TFF’s 30th Anniversary, to mobilize the foundation´s great network
for an international seminar with its Associates, webcast live around the world and resulting in 15 videos on
international affairs. As part of its ever-growing outreach, it also launched the online magazine «Transnational Affairs” .

During 2015 TFF focused on Iran and Burund, two main trouble spots and took an early leading role in
advocating, already in May, a genuine humanitarian intervention as a response to the tragic developments in
Burundi. With its specific knowledge obtained during 12 years of work in the country Mr. Oberg and the TFF was in a special position to contribute to preventing war – Both with its international scope and its preventive character Mr. Oberg´s work fulfills main purposes of Nobel´s prize.»

Read the full letter here

Nominated by Prof Aytuğ Atıcı, MP, Turkey and Prof. Kristian Andenæs, Uni of Oslo, and Dr. Marouf Bakhit, Jordanian Senate

Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament (PNND)

Efforts by Parliamentarians, across all divisions of nationality, religion, political and economic systems – the true Nobel spirit
“PNND members have built parliamentary support from all states in the Middle East (including Israel) for the proposal for a Middle East Zone Free from Nuclear Weapons and other Weapons of Mass Destruction. …. runs the Framework Forum, which brings governments together in track two diplomatic roundtables to discuss how to make progress on multilateral nuclear disarmament. … PNND has strong partnerships or cooperation with virtually all the international organisations working for nuclear disarmament, and has played a key role in building cooperation between them.
In 2012, PNND along with the World Future Council, United Nations Office of Disarmament Affairs and the Inter Parliamentary Union organized a Future Policy Award focusing on best operating policies for disarmament. The Award ceremony, at the United Nations, highlighted policies on nuclear disarmament and on gun control – and encouraged governments, parliaments and civil society to spread these policies.

In 2013, PNND working with Global Zero, moved nearly 2/3rds of the members of the European Parliament to endorse (personally sign) a Written Declaration in Support of the Global Zero Plan for Nuclear Disarmament – making this European Parliament policy.”

Tthe nomination letter names outstanding achievements by individual PNND members, Federica Mogherini, Ed Markey, Jeremy Corbyn, Uta Zapf, Mani Shankar Aiyar, Atimova, Tony de Brum [nominated in person by IPB for 2016], Ui Hwa Chung, Taro Okada, Sabe Chowdury, Bill Kidd, Christine Muttonen.

The PNND Global Coordinator, Alyn Ware, was nominated for the 2015 Nobel

Read the full nomination here

Jordanian Senate, Dr Marouf Bakhit:

“A Nobel Peace Prize would highlight the importance of this parliamentary work, recognize the incredible leadership of PNND and assist in building political support for the initiatives in which PNND is active. Therefore, *the Jordanian Senate House strongly nominates PNND for the Nobel Peace Prize.”

Read the whole nomination here

Nominated by Prof. Jeff Bachman, American Uni, Washington, USA

David Swanson, USA

High-resolution photo here

“In 2015, World Beyond War grew dramatically under Swanson’s direction to include people in 129 nations. World Beyond War produced a book authored by Swanson titled A Global Security System: An Alternative to War that has had an impact on discussions of U.S. foreign policy. Swanson has been a consistent and determined advocate for change in U.S.

In 2015, Swanson published numerous articles and gave many speeches advocating peace and the abolition of war. His articles are collected at He was an advocate of the nuclear agreement with Iran. Swanson visited Cuba in 2015, met with the staff of the not-yet U.S. embassy, and advocated for better and more just relations, including an end to the embargo and the return to Cuba of its land in Guantanamo. Also in 2015, Swanson has been active in the community of activists who oppose the entire institution of war, as well as in the general public through writing and speaking for reducing militarism and rethinking the idea that war is inevitable.

It is also important to note Swanson’s role with In 2015, Swanson worked as campaign coordinator for the online activist site. Through a combination of online and “real world” activism, has successfully brought pressure to achieve numerous steps toward peace, while building an online activist membership of 650,000 people for future action. In December 2015, a and World Beyond War petition urged the Congressional Research Service to resume reporting on international weapons sales after a three year hiatus. Within weeks, the CRS released a new report. … In January 2015, after a petition pushed the United States to negotiate with North Korea rather than rejecting its offer to halt nuclear tests, the U.S. did begin negotiating — with outcome yet to be determined. “

See the full nomination here

Nominated by Prof Alf Petter Høgberg, Uni of Oslo (also in 2015, with co-nominators Nils Christie and Ståle Eskeland)

Peter Weiss, New York

IALANA, International Association of Lawyers against Nuclear War, Berlin, New York, Colombo (Sri Lanka)

Juristen und Juristinnen gegen atomare, biologische ung chemische Waffen, Berlin


«I resubmit the nomination for 2015, … In addition I would like to mention that in 2015, ”the last expired year,” IALANA, Peter Weiss, and the German section have continued to clarify the illegality of nuclear weapons law cooperating with and backing the case Marshall Islands is conducting at the UN Court, ICJ, on the obligations of nuclear-armed nations to engage in efficient procedures to abolish nuclear weapons. IALANA makes valiant efforts to develop international law through a treaty banning nuclear weapons adopted in international diplomacy.

The German IALANA branch is particularly active in a “Peace trough Law” project seeking to strengthen international law and make it a well known and operative feature of national and international relations. This work is at the core of Nobel´s idea of a “prize for the champions of peace.” The resort to court instead of arms was a key component of the peace thinking of Bertha von Suttner (arbitration and Schiedsgerichte) and the work of the “champions of peace” that Alfred Nobel wished to support by his prize.

… To develop a world governed by law, not power, was a central concern of Nobel using the term «brotherhood of nations» in his will and is central to the activities of the IALANA community.

See the full 2016 nomination here, the 2015 nomination here

Nominated by Senator Peter Whish-Wilson, Australian Parliament (also nominated in 2015):

Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF)

“I endorse all Christine Milne´s remarks in the attached 2015 nomination and draw your attention to the work of WILPF during the past year, the centenary year of the organization … one hundred years of public advocacy and action by women around the world to promote sustainable peace and disarmament culminating in the hugely successful 2015 Women’s Power to Stop War centenary conference in the Hague, is surely deserving of recognition with this year’s Peace Prize.

Over the past year women have worked to connect, strengthen and celebrate the work of women peace makers wherever in the world they live. It built on the UN Security Council Resolution 1325 passed in 2000 which recognized the role of women in peace making and the prevention of conflict and the work of WILPF over the last 15 years on the Women, Peace and Security agenda.

A peace negotiation anywhere, which fails to give women a voice and which fails to acknowledge the crimes against women will not be sustainable. Please advance women’s rightful place at the peace making table by recognizing the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom as 2016 Nobel Peace Prize winner.”

See the full nomination here.



for screening nominations qualified to win the Nobel “prize for the champions of peace”:

While others, the committee, parliamentarians, peace researchers, even peace people base
their views on a VERY wide understanding of «peace» (= they use the prize as they like) the
NPPW list is based on studies of what counts under the law, what Nobel actually wanted.

The best, most direct, access to Nobel´s own understanding of the “champions of peace” he
described in his will lies in his correspondence with Bertha von Suttner, the leading peace
protagonist of the period. The letters deal with breaking the arms race-driving logic of the old
saying: “If you wish peace, prepare for war” and how to make countries agree on this.

Thus the purpose of Nobel – to liberate all nations from weapons, warriors and wars – has
been decisive in our screening. The prize is primarily meant to prevent wars, not resolve old
conflicts. It is not a prize for good deeds, but for a basic reform of international relations.

Candidates that work for global co-operation on international law and disarmament directly
are the primary winners – but also important work that indirectly serves to illustrate the
imperative need for international demilitarization should be considered. But to deserve
the Nobel prize activities should point beyond resolution of local situations.

At the time of Nobel many statesmen listened to the voices for peace and disarmament,
today very few officials and politicians hold the peace view that Nobel wished to support. In
our view the prize must keep up with the times and in today´s world belongs mainly to the
grassroots, civil society, that contest the official culture of violence, not to leaders who just
respond to political processes as they are supposed to in a democracy.

“I like to believe that people, in the long run, are going to do more to promote peace
than our governments. Indeed, I think that people want peace so much that one of
these days governments had better get out of the way and let them have it.” US
President Dwight D. Eisenhower 1959

Alfred Nobel would have liked to see his committee think along the same lines.

Nobel Peace Prize Watch, Feb 2, 2016


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