Public Comments Due on U.S. Deployment of THAAD in Guam

By Bruce K. Gagnon,
Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space.

The US Army has announced the availability of the updated Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) Permanent Stationing in Guam, Environmental Assessment (EA), including the Draft Findings of No Significant Impact. The EA assesses the potential impacts associated with the current expeditionary (temporary) placement and operation of a THAAD ballistic missile defense battery at Anderson Air Force Base in Guam [since 2013], and from the proposed permanent stationing of the THAAD battery at the current location on Northwest Field. 

The EA was previously released for public comment in June 2015. Because of changes to the overall size of the cargo drop zone (CDZ) training area and associated vegetation clearing, and the completion of agency consultations for biological and cultural resources, the updated EA and associated FNSI are being released for public comment.

THAAD is also now being deployed against the massive will of the people in South Korea.
Comment Here

The public comment period began on March 17, 2017 and ends on April 17, 2017. All comments on the EA and Draft FNSI must be received or postmarked no later than April 17, 2017. Comments may be submitted online or via postal mail addressed to:

U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command/Army Forces Strategic Command
Attention: SMDC-ENE (Mark Hubbs)
Post Office Box 1500
Huntsville, AL 35807-3801

You can give your comments online using this web site at provide-comments

Below are the comments submitted by the Global Network:

Our organization opposes the deployment and testing of THAAD in Guam.  The process of using lands on Guam is evidence of US continued colonization of this island.

The creation of suitable deployment sites for the array of THAAD technologies will have adverse effects on the land.

The storage and fueling of THAAD missile systems with liquid rocket fuel will leave a massive toxic residue in local water systems.

The testing of THAAD interceptor missiles in Guam will have adverse impacts on the land and ocean – particularly from their toxic exhaust and rocket fuels.

The cost of the THAAD program is contributing to major cuts in social programs and environmental programs in the US.  The American people can no longer afford to pay for this endless arms race.

The testing program of THAAD has revealed questionable results that are not to be trusted by the public and Congress.

In the end the THAAD program is destabilizing to world peace as so-called ‘missile defense’ is a key element in US first-strike attack planning. THAAD is the shield to be used after the Pentagon thrusts the first-strike sword at China or Russia.

Finally the health effects from the radars used by THAAD have not been properly studied nor has any health effects information been given to the people of Guam or the US troops that will be operating them.

For all these reasons we think the deployments of THAAD on Guam should be rejected.

Bruce K. Gagnon
Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space
PO Box 652
Brunswick, ME 04011
(207) 443-9502
http://space4peace.blogspot. com  (blog)

Thank God men cannot fly, and lay waste the sky as well as the earth. – Henry David Thoreau

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