Live streamed anti-drone protest at Hancock Drone Base, Syracuse, NY area. Get text notifications when OVOC is streaming live. Text OVOC to 24587. Sponsored by Upstate Drone Action. PRESS RELEASE: Hancock Reaper Drone Base Entrance Blocked by Huge Dollar Signs Dripping with Blood 7 Arrested Delivering War Crimes Indictment to Hancock Reaper Drone Base
Monday, 25 September 2017, 9 AM. Seven members of the grassroots group Upstate Drone Action once again were arrested as they delivered a citizen’s war crime indictment to the chain of command at Hancock Air Force Base. Upstate Drone Action also placed a huge dollar sign [$] dripping with “blood” in the main entrance way to the base. The six-foot high dollar sign dramatizes what the group believes determines the many overseas wars the Pentagon/CIA engages in: corporate greed.
Hancock AFB, near Syracuse, N.Y. hosts the 174th Attack [sic] Wing of the NY National Guard. The 174th is one of two Reaper drone Attack Wings in NYS. Piloted from Hancock, the MQ9 Reaper drone is an unmanned, satellite-directed assassin flown over Afghanistan. CIA also uses such airborne robots for its clandestine, illegal, lethal missions over Northwest Pakistan and other majority-Islamic nations and oil lands.
According to “LIVING UNDER DRONES: Death, Injury and Trauma to Civilians from US Practices in Pakistan,” published by Stanford University and New York University Law Schools, such missions are responsible for the deaths of many hundreds of noncombatants, including women and children, in that region.
According to Julienne Oldfield, “The Hancock Reaper terrorizes whole communities, generating desperate refugees.” Mark Scibilia-Carver adds that “U.S. taxpayers fund this terrorism keeping the pot boiling and creating enormous ill will toward the United States – instead of funding health, education and infrastructure here.”
Today’s action at Hancock’s main gate is simply one episode in Upstate Drone Action’s persistent nonviolent campaign to expose Reaper drone war crimes. Since 2010 there have been some 200 anti-Reaper arrests at Hancock in about a dozen such street theater actions. These have resulted in extreme bails, maximum fines, Orders of Protection, and incarcerations…as well as some acquittals.
Those arrested: Ann Tiffany, Syracuse….Dan Burgevin, Trumansburg, NY….Ed Kinane, Syracuse….Harry Murray, Rochester….Julienne Oldfield, Syracuse….Mark Scibilia-Carver, Trumansburg, NY….Rae Kramer, Syracuse.