Moderated by Robert Kajiwara, The Peace For Okinawa Coalition, July 12, 2021
Indigenous Peoples Decry Militarism in the Pacific | United Nations Human Rights Council 47th session, June – July 2021, Geneva, Switzerland. Featuring Indigenous peoples from the Ryukyu Islands (Okinawa), the Mariana Islands (Guam and CNMI), and the Hawaiian Islands. Sponsored by Incomindios, a non-governmental organization in partnership with the Economic and Security Council of the United Nations. Co-sponsored by the Koani Foundation and the Peace For Okinawa Coalition. Special thanks to Our Common Wealth 670 and the Ryukyu Independence Action Network for their assistance.
For generations Indigenous peoples of the Pacific have endured the harmful effects of U.S. militarization and imperialism. The U.S. is further increasing its military presence in the Pacific with the intent of maintaining superiority over China and Russia. In this panel discussion Indigenous representatives of the Hawaiian, Mariana, and Luchu (Ryukyu) Islands respond to U.S. militarization and call attention to human rights violations occurring in their home islands.
Moderated by Robert Kajiwara