Category: North America

Elizabeth Samet Thinks She Already Found the Good War

To call Looking For the Good War a critique of the idea of the good war requires defining “good,” not as necessary or justified (which ought to be all one could hope — though one would be wrong — for mass murder), but as beautiful and wonderful and marvelous and superhuman.

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Webinar Video: War Is Not Green — But Our Cities Can Be!

CODEPINK and World BEYOND War join the Global Center for Climate Justice to teach audience members and answer questions about: Finding your local government’s budget & divestment resources, checking their investments for fossil fuels and the war machine, and the power of cities to re-invest our money in a climate-just-peace economy.

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New York City joins ICAN Cities Appeal

The comprehensive legislation adopted by New York City Council on 9 December 2021, calls on NYC to divest from nuclear weapons, establishes a committee responsible for programming and policy related to NYC’s status as a nuclear-weapons-free zone, and calls on the US government to join the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW).

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