Category: North America

The Quiet Power of Everyday Resistance

Most accounts of life in, say, Nazi Germany in the late 1930s or Rwanda in the early months of 1994—each a place and time when preparation for war and mass violence had begun to alter the granularity of the everyday—paint an image of large-scale conflict as totalizing.

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No One is Illegal Montreal

SURVEY: Starting a Montreal Chapter | SONDAGE: lancement d’une section montréalaise

A few World BEYOND War members are preparing to start a new chapter in Montreal. We’ve created this short survey to get to know potential chapter members and assess the best way to launch a chapter. Please take a moment and fill it out!

Quelques membres de World BEYOND War se préparent à lancer une nouvelle section à Montréal. Nous avons créé ce court sondage pour connaître les membres potentiels de la section et pour évaluer la meilleure façon de lancer une section. Veuillez prendre un moment pour y répondre!

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The Big Business of Future Wars

Lawmakers in Congress are preparing to consider big cuts to the emergency $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill designed to fight the climate apocalypse and provide a  safety net to struggling Americans.

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