Category: Europe

Explosion in Bari, Italy

Where Did the War on Cancer Come From?

Did you ever wonder whether Western culture focuses on destroying rather than preventing cancer, and talks about it with all the language of a war against an enemy, just because that’s how this culture does things, or whether the approach to cancer was actually created by people waging a real war?

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We’re Putting Up New Billboards In Germany And United States

As part of our ongoing global billboards for peace campaign, and as part of our efforts to organize events and awareness around the entering into law of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons on January 22, 2021, we are working with the organizations named on the billboards below to put up billboards around Puget Sound in Washington State and around downtown Berlin, Germany.

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war scenes and students

It’s Time For Arms Companies To Be Kicked Out Of The Classroom

In the rural county of Devon in the UK lies the historic port of Plymouth, home to Britain’s Trident nuclear weapon system. Managing that facility is Babcock International Group PLC, an arms manufacturer listed on the FTSE 250 with a turnover in 2020 of £4.9bn. What is much less known, however, is that Babcock also runs the education services in Devon, and in many other areas across the UK.

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