Category: Why End War

Interview with Reiner Braun: Reimagining a Better World

A few days before the IPB World Peace Congress 2021 in Barcelona, we talked to Reiner Braun, Executive Director of the International Peace Bureau (IPB) about how the peace movement, trade unions and the environmental movement can come together, why we need a peace congress of encouragement and youth, which will take place completely hybrid from 15-17 October in Barcelona and why it is exactly the right moment for it.

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1960s-era US anti military draft protest

Draft Registration: End It, Don’t Expand It

The U.S. House of Representatives voted on Sept. 23 to expand Selective Service registration for a future military draft to women as part of the FY 2022 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), and the Senate is expected to do the same when they vote on their version of the NDAA in the coming weeks.

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A Train

Harry Potter and the Secret of COP26

“Blimey, Harry!” exclaimed Ronald Weasley, his face pressed to the window, peering out at the swiftly passing countryside as the glistening red Hogwarts Express belched coal smoke into the sky on its way north to Glasgow for the COP26 climate conference.

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The Quiet Power of Everyday Resistance

Most accounts of life in, say, Nazi Germany in the late 1930s or Rwanda in the early months of 1994—each a place and time when preparation for war and mass violence had begun to alter the granularity of the everyday—paint an image of large-scale conflict as totalizing.

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