Fight Terror Again and Again and Again?
The cycle of violence. When will it be interrupted?
The cycle of violence. When will it be interrupted?
But, increasingly, modern American conservatism resembles a giant wrecking ball, powered by hate-spewing demagogues to undermine or destroy long-cherished institutions, from the U.S. Post Office (established by Benjamin Franklin in 1775 and enshrined in the U.S. Constitution) to minimum wage laws (which began to appear on the state level in the early twentieth century).
Nowhere does the author, James Fallows, attempt to so much as hint at what makes the wars unwinnable.
No military or counter-terrorism analyst believes that the military force applied in Iraq and Syria has even the slightest chance of defeating IS.
President Obama has been credited with “ending” and “drawing down” this war not only while expanding it to triple the size but also for a longer period of time than various other major wars combined.
November 11th in the United States is marked and marred by a holiday that relatively recently had its name changed to “Veterans Day” and its purpose converted and perverted into celebrating war. This year a “Concert for Valor” will be held on the National Mall in Washington, D.C.
The U.S. Air Force says it is not halting its use of Depleted Uranium weapons, has recently sent them to the Middle East, and is prepared to use them.
A new report connects U.S. military engagement and the threat of climate change.