Category: Endangerment

New York City joins ICAN Cities Appeal

The comprehensive legislation adopted by New York City Council on 9 December 2021, calls on NYC to divest from nuclear weapons, establishes a committee responsible for programming and policy related to NYC’s status as a nuclear-weapons-free zone, and calls on the US government to join the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW).

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1960s-era US anti military draft protest

Draft Registration: End It, Don’t Expand It

The U.S. House of Representatives voted on Sept. 23 to expand Selective Service registration for a future military draft to women as part of the FY 2022 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), and the Senate is expected to do the same when they vote on their version of the NDAA in the coming weeks.

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The Big Business of Future Wars

Lawmakers in Congress are preparing to consider big cuts to the emergency $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill designed to fight the climate apocalypse and provide a  safety net to struggling Americans.

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Video: Never Forget: 9/11 and the 20 Year War of Terror

We’ll hear testimonials from: John Kiriakou, Vijay Prashad, Sam Al-Arian, Medea Benjamin, Jodie Evans, Assal Rad, David Swanson, Kathy Kelly, Matthew Hoh, Danny Sjursen, Kevin Danaher, Ray McGovern, Mickey Huff, Chris Agee, Norman Solomon, Pat Alviso, Rick Jahnkow, Larry Wilkerson, and Moustafa Bayoumi.

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