Category: Endangerment

What Planet Is NATO Living On?

The February meeting of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) Defense Ministers, the first since President Biden took power, revealed an antiquated, 75-year-old alliance that, despite its military failures in Afghanistan and Libya, is now turning its military madness toward two more formidable, nuclear-armed enemies: Russia and China. 

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Explosion in Bari, Italy

Where Did the War on Cancer Come From?

Did you ever wonder whether Western culture focuses on destroying rather than preventing cancer, and talks about it with all the language of a war against an enemy, just because that’s how this culture does things, or whether the approach to cancer was actually created by people waging a real war?

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We’re Putting Up New Billboards In Germany And United States

As part of our ongoing global billboards for peace campaign, and as part of our efforts to organize events and awareness around the entering into law of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons on January 22, 2021, we are working with the organizations named on the billboards below to put up billboards around Puget Sound in Washington State and around downtown Berlin, Germany.

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protest in Cameroon

Cameroon’s Long Civil War

A rupture and a long war between the government of Cameroon and its English-speaking population has been worsening since October 1, 1961, the date of the independence of the Southern Cameroon (Anglophone Cameroon). Violence, destruction, assassinations and horror are now the daily life of the people of Southern Cameroon.

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