Category: Endangerment

nuclear explosion with tall mushroom cloud

Russia, Israel and the Media

The world is, very reasonably, horrified at what is happening in Ukraine. Russia is apparently committing war crimes and crimes against humanity as it bombs residences, hospitals and any other sites its warplanes encounter.

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Our Deeply Subconscious Magical Thinking

Most Americans wouldn’t believe these things can happen in the Land of the Free Press because it runs counter to a lifetime of received popular culture steeped in magical thinking. Wrenching free of that is psychologically painful, indeed impossible for some. Harsh realities await.

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Time to Reclaim Remembrance

As the nation pauses to honour our war dead on Anzac Day, it is appropriate to reflect on the tainting of genuine commemoration at the Australian War Memorial (AWM) by vested interests. Added to deep concerns about the bitterly controversial $1/2 billion redevelopment, the Memorial is dividing rather than uniting Australians.

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