Category: News To Help End War

Terrorism for Profit

By Robert C. Koehler, August 9th, 2017, Common Wonders. Donald Trump stands cluelessly at the edge of history, exemplifying everything wrong with the past, oh,

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David Swanson speaking

Purposeless Death in Syria

Statement by David Swanson as Director of World Beyond War at DC press conference August 8, 2017. C-Span video: I won’t have time to

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Global Resolution

To the United Nations General Assembly and to all nations of the world, we respectfully submit:The Global Resolution for the Establishment of Infrastructures to Support

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Hiroshima Haunting

By David Swanson Remarks at Hiroshima-Nagasaki Commemoration at Peace Garden at Lake Harriet, Minneapolis, Minn., Aug. 6, 2017 Thank you for inviting me to speak

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