Category: Myth of Benefits

Webinar: Glory – The Deadliest Drug

In this World BEYOND War webinar, Yale Magrass and Charles Derber, authors of the new book “Glorious Causes”, consider how elites galvanize people for war and bring them to adopt political-economic identities which contradict their rational self-interest.

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Groups opposing Michele Flournoy's selection

Statement Opposing Michele Flournoy as Defense Secretary

We urge President-Elect Joe Biden and U.S. Senators to choose a Secretary of Defense who is unencumbered by a history of advocating for bellicose military policies and is free of financial ties to the weapons industry. Michèle Flournoy does not meet those qualifications and is ill-suited to serve as Secretary of Defense.

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Canada's combat ship program

Who Is The Enemy? Defund Militarism And Fund Institutions Of Social Value In Canada

Canada needs a conversion to a green economy, away from fossil fuel production, to include a fair transition and retraining of displaced workers. There is a need for extraordinary investment in the new economy to enable a move towards climate change mitigation, environmental sustainability and social justice. We do not need increased investment in things that have no redeeming social value by endlessly preparing for war.

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