Category: Demilitarization

10 Key Points on Ending Wars

On a webinar earlier today, Congressman Ro Khanna said that he believed the announcement of an end to offensive war meant that the U.S. military could not participate in bombing or sending missiles into Yemen at all, but only in protecting civilians within Saudi Arabia.

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Biden Should Stop Payment on U.S. Funds to Sisi’s Egypt

The pro-Cairo lobby team includes a number of former politicians, including former Republican congressman Ed Royce, who chaired the influential Foreign Affairs Committee from 2013-2018. The most shocking PR agent for the Egyptian regime, however, is Nadeam Elshami, former chief of staff for House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi.

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The Man Who Saved the World: Discussion

The Man Who Saved the World is a powerful documentary film about Stanislav Petrov, a former lieutenant colonel of the Soviet Air Defence Forces and his role in preventing the 1983 Soviet nuclear false alarm incident from leading to nuclear holocaust. On January 16, we discussed the film in the lead-up to January 22, 2021 the historic day when nuclear weapons become illegal when the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons comes into force.

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