World BEYOND War is a finalist for the Educators’ Challenge competition created by the Global Challenges Foundation. The Educators’ Challenge seeks “innovative approaches to engage students and broader audiences in discussions on the importance and principles of global governance, its history and its potential future.” The Global Challenges Foundation’s aim is to contribute to reducing the main global problems and risks that threaten humanity.
Tony Jenkins, Education Director of World BEYOND War, submitted our book, “A Global Security System: An Alternative to War (AGSS)” as an educational blueprint for ending all war through the development of a cooperative, nonviolent system of global governance. AGSS is complemented by our online study guide “Study War No More” that provides guiding questions for discussion & action, and features videos of changemakers actively designing the new system. AGSS is utilized as a learning, planning and organizing tool by community groups, schools, universities, and policymakers around the world.
World BEYOND War is one of twelve finalists to advance to the final stage, where a final jury will select up to 10 winners. Winning prizes of US$5000 will be awarded early 2019 to the most creative and effective proposals progressing pedagogy and audience engagement around the pressing issues that require improved global cooperation.