World BEYOND War and Adelphi University Create Model for Peace Education

In Fall 2021, Adelphi University (AU) and its Innovation Center (IC) teamed up with World BEYOND War (WBW) to provide an educational and projectbased experience to firstyear undergraduate students at Adelphi University, Garden City, NY, USA.

World BEYOND War is eager to adopt this model for other classrooms and institutions.

The objective was to introduce students to the fundamentals of peacebuilding and support their design and delivery of peacebuilding projects that align with both WBW and peace studies curriculum goals. The collaboration began in September 2021, with planning sessions between AU, the IC, and WBW, followed by a project that extended from midOctober to early December 2021. This partnership marks the first time a peace education and action opportunity has been offered to AU firstyear students.

The work took place in parallel with the Introduction to Peace Studies firstyear seminar, led by Dr. Susan Cushman, while the design and delivery of the student projects spanned eight weeks, followed by endofterm presentations and celebrations. This pilot contributed to AU’s mission by creating a distinctive environment of intellectual rigor, research, creativity and deep community,” and the IC’s mission in particular by developing opportunities for applied learning, connecting academia with external partners to solve reallife problems. It also contributed to WBW’s mission by supporting individual and organizational
engagement with issues related to the abolition of war and the promotion of sustainable peace.

This model made use of World BEYOND War’s text A Global Security System: An Alternative to War.

Open a PDF report by WBW and AU.


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