Upcoming webinars. Webinars from 2021. Webinars from 2019. Webinars from 2018.
Webinars from 2020:
Peace and Permaculture: This unique webinar on December 16, 2020, explored the intersections between permaculture, farming, simple living, and anti-war activism. World BEYOND War Organizing Director Greta Zarro, who is also a co-founder of Unadilla Community Farm, a non-profit organic farm and permaculture education center, moderated this interesting discussion, featuring:
- Brian Terrell, an Iowan farmer and long-time peace activist who has worked with many organizations including Voices for Creative Nonviolence, Catholic Peace Ministry, and the National Committee of War Resisters League
- Rowe Morrow of the Blue Mountains Permaculture Institute (Australia)
- Qasim Lessani, who talked about his work and doing permaculture projects in his community in Afghanistan
- Barry Sweeney, a Permaculture Design Instructor, World BEYOND War Board Member, and Chapter Coordinator (Ireland/Italy)
- Stefano Battain, who spoke about War Child’s ‘Peace Garden’ initiative in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Central African Republic
Glory: In this webinar from December 7, 2020, Yale Magrass and Charles Derber, authors of Glorious Causes, consider how elites galvanize people for war and bring them to adopt political-economic identities which contradict their rational self-interest.
Africom: Women’s International League for Peace & Freedom-US Section, Black Alliance for Peace, & World BEYOND War hosted this webinar on the United States African Command (AFRICOM) and Human Rights in Africa on Friday, Dec. 4, 2020. The webinar featured first-hand reports from WILPF women describing what effects AFRICOM is having on their respective nations: Joy Onyesoh, the President of WILPF International, spoke about Nigeria; Sylvie Ndongmo, the Africa Region representative of WILPF, spoke about Cameroon; Marie-Claire Faray, currently living in the UK, spoke about the Democratic Republic of the Congo; and Christine Odera, Commonwealth Youth Peace Ambassador Network – Kenya Country Coordinator (CYPAN), spoke about Kenya. Other featured speakers included writer and author Margaret Kimberley, representing the Black Alliance for Peace, and their initiative: Out of Africa: Shut Down AFRICOM.
Zoom to Free Meng Wanzhou: In anticipation of the December 1, 2020, second anniversary of her arrest, we co-hosted an online panel discussion to Free Meng Wanzhou, unjustly incarcerated by the Trudeau government at the request of the Trump Administration. You’ll learn more from Canadian experts about her legal case, deteriorating relations with China, and the rise of Sinophobia in Canada – plus what you can do about it.
Ending the War on Afghanistan: The U.S. war on Afghanistan is in its 19th year. Enough is enough! Ann Wright is the moderator. Panelists are Kathy Kelly, Matthew Hoh, Rory Fanning, Danny Sjursen, and Arash Azizzada.
What About World War II? This webinar from November 10, 2020, features David Swanson, Executive Director of World BEYOND War, discussing the “What about WWII?” question so popular among supporters of military spending, and the history of Armistice Day. Organized by: Peace Action of Broome County, NY and Stu Naismith Chapter 90 Veterans For Peace of Broome County, NY, U.S.
Challenging Canada’s War Plane Purchase: On October 15, 2020, World BEYOND War and Canadian Foreign Policy Institute hosted a webinar with NDP MP Randall Garrison, Green Party MP Paul Manly, Senator Marilou McPhedran, poet, activist and King’s College professor El Jones, and researcher and activist Tamara Lorincz about the social, ecological, and economic impact of Canada’s plan to purchase new fighter jets. Are 88 new cutting-edge fighter jets required to protect Canadians? Or are they designed to enhance the air force’s ability to join belligerent U.S. and NATO wars? How has Canada employed fighter jets in the past? What are the climate impacts of these jets? What else could the $19 billion be used for? This webinar was organized by the Canadian Foreign Policy Institute and World BEYOND War, and co-sponsored by Peace Quest. Canadian Dimension was the media sponsor for this event.
Preventing War and Promoting Peace: Young People from 5 Continents Discuss. A webinar produced on October 6, 2020, by World BEYOND War and Geneva Peace Week 2020. MODERATOR/SPEAKERS in order:
● Phill Gittins, Ph.D: (Moderator), Education Director, World BEYOND War
Topic: Youth, War, and Peace: Realities and Requirements
● Christine Odera: (Presenter, Kenya), Commonwealth Youth Peace Ambassador Network, CWPAN).
Topic: Preventing War and Promoting Peace: An African Perspective
● Sayako Aizeki-Nevins: (Presenter, US), World BEYOND War Alumna.
Topic: Preventing War and Promoting Peace: A North American Perspective
● Alejandra Rodriguez: (Presenter, Colombia), Rotaract for Peace
Topic: Preventing War and Promoting Peace: A South American Perspective
● Mélina Villeneuve: (Presenter, UK), Demilitarise Education
Topic: Preventing War and Promoting Peace: A European Perspective
● Laiba Khan: (Presenter, India), Rotaractor, District International Service Director, 3040
Topic: Preventing War and Promoting Peace: A South East Asian Perspective
Al Mytty Guest Lecturing on Moving to a World BEYOND War: Al Mytty is the leading organizer of a World BEYOND War chapter in The Villages, Florida. Here he guest-lectures via Zoom with Dr. Laura Finley’s class. Finley is Professor of Criminology and Sociology at Barry University in Miami Shores, Florida:
Act for Peace! A Blue Scarf Peace Day Online Rally took place on Sunday, September 20, 2020. With special guests Sophia Sidarous, an indigenous rights and environmental activist, and one of 15 youth suing the Canadian government for inaction on the climate crisis, and Douglas Roche, esteemed Canadian author, parliamentarian, diplomat and activist, recognized globally for his longstanding commitment to achieving nuclear disarmament. We talked about the international Blue Scarf Movement for peace, heard from our two guest speakers about demilitarization, resisting the climate crisis, and building a world beyond war and colonial violence. We also hosted breakout room discussion groups, and featured collective online actions throughout the event:
Vancouver for a World BEYOND War, Pivot2Peace, Victoria for a World BEYOND War, and Vancouver Peace Poppies hosted “Defund War. Climate Justice Now! An International Peace Day Webinar” on September 21, 2020. With special guests Aliénor Rougeot, the Toronto coordinator of Fridays for Future, a worldwide youth movement bringing over 13 million students together in massive coordinated strikes to demand bold climate action, and John Foster, energy economist with more than 40 years’ experience in issues of petroleum and global conflict:
International Day of Peace: “Shaping Peace Together”: A Celebration In Music, a webinar from September 21, 2020, sponsored by Northland Grandmothers for Peace, Duluth Sister Cities International, Duluth-Superior Veterans For Peace, and World BEYOND War Upper Midwest Chapter:
A Celebration of Life, Spring, and Peace: a webinar in Spanish and English on September 21, 2020. More about it here:
The 22nd Annual Kateri Peace Conference was online August 21-22, 2020, with Steve Breyman, John Amidon, Maureen Beillargeon Aumand, Medea Benjamin, Theresa Bonpane, Lawrence Davidson, Stephen Downs, James Jennings, Kathy Kelly, Jim Merkel, Ed Kinane, Nick Mottern, Rev. Felicia Parazaider, Bill Quigley, David Swanson, Ann Wright, Chris Antal, and Michael McPhearson.
Webinar: How to Prevent Activist Burnout happened on August 20, 2020 with Ravyn Wngz, David Hartsough, Leah Bae, and Liz Remmerswaal. How can we stay motivated and inspired to advocate for change, while chaos whirls around us? How can we maintain good self-care to prevent burnout from this challenging work? And, amidst a sea of email clogging our inboxes, how can we manage to stay organized in order to run successful, strategic campaigns for change? We hear advice from seasoned activists & organizers who answer these questions and much more as they share their lessons learned from years of intersectional activism, tackling issues related to climate change, racism, and militarism.
Online Discussion: THE VOW FROM HIROSHIMA: On August 7, 2020, we hosted an online conversation with World BEYOND War members worldwide discussing the powerful film THE VOW FROM HIROSHIMA.
Hibakusha Remembrance Webinar: On August 6, 2020, as part of the global commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima/ Nagasaki, we hosted a Bells for Peace Hibakusha Remembrance Webinar, featuring Tsugio Kurushima, Bill Geimer, Dr. Mary-Wynne Ashford, Dr. Jonathan Down, and youth activist Magritte Gordaneer. In the hour-long session, with time for Q&A, these experts addressed the bombings, the public health impact of nuclear war, the proliferation of nuclear weapons, the state of international law, and other matters to help us all make meaningful the vow: “Never Again”. This event was sponsored by World BEYOND War Victoria, Victoria Multifaith Society, and the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War Canada.
How to Demilitarize the Police: On July 30, 2020, David Swanson and Greta Zarro discussed how to start and win a campaign to ban militarized policing in your locality, anywhere on earth. We had recently done this in Charlottesville, Va., U.S., and are now working with a number of cities to do the same. Learn more.
Virtual Chapter Open House: On June 27, 2020, World BEYOND War hosted a “virtual chapter open house” with our chapter coordinators and members from around the world! World BEYOND War’s Executive Director David Swanson and Organizing Director Greta Zarro talked about WBW’s mission and campaigns, and how to build the peace movement within the context of the current issues we’re facing, from the coronavirus pandemic, to systemic racism, to ongoing climate change. Then we divided up into breakout rooms by region to talk about what our chapters are working on, discuss our interests, and brainstorm how we can collaborate with other WBW members in our respective regions.
Cancel RIMPAC Webinar: World BEYOND War and Independent and Peaceful Australia Network (IPAN) hosted a free webinar about the need to cancel RIMPAC, the world’s largest international maritime warfare exercise. Speakers included: Dr Margie Beavis (Australia), Maria Hernandez (Guam), Virginia Lacsa Suarez (Philippines), Kawena Phillips (Hawaii), and Valerie Morse (NZ).
Preventing Violence & Virus: Civilian protection in South Sudan and beyond: The World BEYOND War-Central Florida chapter and Nonviolent Peaceforce held an online discussion about unarmed civilian protection, an important alternative to war. We heard from Mel Duncan, Co-Founder of Nonviolent Peaceforce, the leading organization in unarmed civilian protection, as well as John Reuwer, Board Member at World BEYOND War, who recently participated in Nonviolent Peaceforce’s civilian protection program in South Sudan.
The #NoWar2020 Conference Was Held Online and You Can Watch the Video: Whether you participated or not, you can now watch and share with others the three videos of various sessions of World BEYOND War’s annual conference, which this year was held virtually.
Twin Ports Memorial Day Observance: The World BEYOND War Twin Ports Chapter, Veterans For Peace Chap. 80, and Grandmothers for Peace Northland hosted a virtual Memorial Day observance on Zoom, to honor our heroes, past and present. The event focused on who true heroes are and how we can honor them. One local hero was featured, Jan Provost of Superior, WI who was the founder of our local chapter of Grandmothers for Peace and who passed away on April 6, 2020. Music was provided by Ian Connell, and Duluth Poet Laureate Gary Boelhower shared a poem. We honor all those who have given their lives both in war and in the struggle for peace and justice.
May 20, 2020: Building the Peace Movement. 50th Anniversary: 1970-2020, Remember Kent State, Jackson State, and all the victims of wars. Sponsors include: Cleveland Peace Action, The Inter-Religious Task Force on Central America (Cleveland), Columbus Free Press, Daytonians Against War Now! (DAWN), CODEPINK, World BEYOND War, Green Party Peace Action Committee (GPAX), Voices for Creative Nonviolence. Host: David Swanson, Executive Director of World BEYOND War. Speakers: Leonardo Flores, Latin America Campaign Coordinator CODEPINK; Kathy Kelly, Voices for Creative Nonviolence; Andy Shallal, Busboys and Poets; Rich Whitney, Green Party Peace Action Committee.
Divest from the War Machine, Five-Part Series: we explore how to organize to divest funds from weapons manufacturers, military contractors, and war profiteers. We feature activists and organizers who have run successful divestment campaigns, to share strategies and tactics about how to replicate these successes in your community.
Colonialism & Contamination: Mapping U.S. Military Injustices on the CHamoru People of Guam: This webinar is part of World BEYOND War’s “Close Bases” campaign. We are joined by speakers Dr. Sasha Davis & Leilani Rania Ganser to talk about the negative impact of U.S. military bases in Guam. We explore how the military presence threatens the indigenous CHamoru culture and people, as well as the environmental impacts of the weapons stored on the bases.
Blue Scarf Earth Day Celebration: Voices for the Earth: This webinar was filmed on Sunday, April 26, 2020. Come learn about the Blue Scarf movement around the world, and hear from many voices speaking out to protect the land, water, air and life. Often we have walked together through the streets of Toronto, but this year we have moved our event online and invite people from across the country and around the world to listen, share and re-commit ourselves to the earth and her inhabitants. Co-sponsored by the Basilian Centre for Peace and Justice, Pax Christi Toronto, World BEYOND War, Canadian Voice of Women for Peace, SheCycle, Camp Micah, Christians Peacemaker Teams, Development and Peace Toronto, and KAIROS.
David Swanson on Ending War: This event was sponsored by the Dallas Peace and Justice Center, Pax Christi Dallas, Code Pink, and Veterans for Peace. It was originally to take place at the Peace Chapel in Dallas, Texas, but was moved online, and the sponsors generously made it available free to anyone anywhere. David Swanson is an author, activist, journalist, and radio host. He is executive director of World BEYOND War and campaign coordinator for RootsAction.org. Swanson hosts Talk Nation Radio. He is a Nobel Peace Prize Nominee, and was awarded the 2018 Peace Prize by the U.S. Peace Memorial Foundation. Swanson’s books include War Is A Lie, Peace Almanac, Curing Exceptionalism, When the World Outlawed War, War Is Never Just, and most recently 20 Dictators Currently Supported by the United States.
The Age of Hybrid Warfare: War is more than bombs and bullets. On March 25, 2020, World BEYOND War and About Face: Veterans Against the War hosted a discussion of “hybrid warfare” – a mix of disinformation, sanctions, and unconventional tactics.
Alternative Global Security System: On February 19, 2020, we were joined by Phill Gittins, PhD (WBW’s Education Director) and Tony Jenkins, PhD (Education Director 2017-2019) to explain the nuts + bolts of the “AGSS,” the alternative global security system laid out in WBW’s book. What are the frameworks, tools, and institutions necessary for dismantling the war machine?
How to Shut Down a Military Base: On Monday, January 27, 2020, World BEYOND War hosted a webinar with former U.S. Navy Commander Leah Bolger and activists Robert Rabin and Tom Hastings to talk about the social and environmental impact of military bases, and the strategies and tactics that have been used to successfully shut them down.