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We’re pressing the UN General Assembly to uphold court rulings to end the war on Gaza. You can help online or in New York City.
The #NoWar2024 Conference is coming up in less than two months on September 20-22! It’s happening online everywhere — all on Zoom — but also happening in the real world as events in Australia, Colombia, Germany, and the United States. This new video can be watched and shared to promote the event.
Inspired by our Peace Almanac our Senegal chapter published a Calendrier Africain De La Paix — and has now published it in English as Africa Peace Calendar. Get the new calendar here.
Find events and add your own events!
Sep 21 – Oct 2: Campaign Nonviolence Action Days
News from Around the World:
Podcast: “Sacred Soldier: The Dangers of Worshipping Warriors” by Robert F. Keeler
Talk World Radio: Rivera Sun on Campaign Nonviolence
Banning Sadako Won’t Keep Kids Safe from Nuclear War
Deep State Does Stop-Trump Games With One Hand Tied Behind Back
Starvation in Sudan: As in Gaza, the Deprivation Is Deliberate
Pacifism Is Punished in the USA: The Testimony of a Student Arrested on Campus
Israel’s “Useful Idiots” Are the U.S Congress and the Biden Administration
Greetings from the Peace Barricade!
109 Organizations Reject Netanyahu
Breaking the Impasse on Disarmament and Implementing Article VI Obligations
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World BEYOND War | 513 E Main St #1484 | Charlottesville, VA 22902 USA
World BEYOND War | PO Box 152, Toronto PO E, ON, M6H 4E2 Canada
World BEYOND War | CC Unicentro Bógota, Local 2-222 | Postal Code (Apartado Postal): 358646 Colombia