Anti-War & Pro-Peace Resources Database: We’ve compiled this database of useful resources of our own and links to those found elsewhere. Are you looking for tools for creating events, or for information on a particular topic? The topics include: bigotry, billboards, civil liberties, conflict management, counter-recruitment, culture of peace, and many more. Choose a topic, choose a language, and choose types of resources (articles, books, podcasts, etc.). Let us know how you love this new system! |
As the Israeli military bombed homes, clinics, and schools in Gaza and threatened to push Palestinian families from their homes in Jerusalem this past May, Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud executives signed a $1.22 billion contract to provide cloud technology to the Israeli government and military. Rise up with us to say: No Tech For Apartheid. |
Murder Incorporated with Stephen Vittoria: Fridays in November at UTC 18:00. (four spots left) The Third Harmony with Michael Nagler: Mondays in December at UTC 18:00. (six spots left) The End of Ice with Dahr Jamail: Wednesdays in January at UTC 1:00. |
Save Sinjajevina’s Nature and Local Communities! Sign the petition to the EU Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement; and the Ministry of the Defense of Montenegro. |
Recent Videos: |
Volunteer Spotlight: John Miksad is a WBW chapter coordinator from the New York State Tri-State Area in the U.S. From writing op-eds to sponsoring a folk festival on behalf of WBW, John is busy spreading the anti-war message and building the peace movement. Read John’s story. |
Donate to support our people-powered movement for peace. Should giant war-profiteering corporations decide what emails you don’t want to read? We don’t think so either. So, please stop our emails from going into “junk” or “spam” by “white listing,” marking as “safe,” or filtering to “never send to spam.” World BEYOND War | 513 E Main St #1484 | Charlottesville, VA 22902 USA |