Pat Elder

PAT ELDER — Maryland, U.S.

Pat Elder is a member of World BEYOND War’s Board of Directors.

Pat Elder (  is known for his work on per-and poly fluoroalkyl substances, (PFAS). He has written 300 articles on PFAS. Many may be found at

Since 2019, Pat has been focused on the understudied role of PFAS exposure from food. He believes there is too much emphasis on PFAS levels in drinking water, with too limited a focus on PFAS exposure from food, particularly seafood.

Elder and his associates have tested surface waters flowing from 50 U.S. military bases worldwide and have reported dangerous levels of the toxins in the rivers. PFAS is used in hundreds of products and applications by the military and is recklessly discarded into the environment without oversight.

Pat has tested seawater, crabs, oysters, and fish and found levels of the carcinogenic compounds that are orders of magnitude greater than the levels allowed in drinking water. The compounds bio accumulate in aquatic life, poisoning the food chain. They do not break down in nature.

Elder argues that the DOD dictates environmental policy in the United States and around the world while relying on a robust propaganda campaign  to dispel resistance and avoid staggering financial liability for its ongoing environmental crimes.

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