Reagan 1984

Ten Questions for Conservatives

But, increasingly, modern American conservatism resembles a giant wrecking ball, powered by hate-spewing demagogues to undermine or destroy long-cherished institutions, from the U.S. Post Office (established by Benjamin Franklin in 1775 and enshrined in the U.S. Constitution) to minimum wage laws (which began to appear on the state level in the early twentieth century).

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Practical Problem-Solving

By Kristin Christman The US government torture revealed in the recent Senate report is the latest symptom of foreign policymakers’ preoccupation with threats, force, and

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By Kristin Christman When selecting an approach to Mid-Eastern violence, rather than picturing beheadings, it helps to picture an iceberg. Aggressively-motivated militants who selfishly desire

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Kristin Christman

Excessive Force With a Clean Conscience

What’s interesting about the Ferguson and NYC police incidents is that 60 years ago, any media coverage would likely have depicted the black victims as dangerous men and the police as clean-cut heroes, rescuing America from no-good degenerates.

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The Atom of Peace

By Kristin Christman People have all kinds of patience for chemists who differentiate between the elements and combine them in various ways to create helpful

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The Religion of War

By Kristin Y. Christman Secularism. Separation of Church and State. But what’s the point? What is secularism intended to keep in or out of government?

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