Marion TRANSETTI is co-coordinator of World BEYOND War’s chapter in Senegal.

Marion TRANSETTI started her peace activism at a very young age. She was indeed, at 7 years old, the one who people came to ask for help in order to manage conflicts in the schoolyard. Later, Marion continued relentlessly her Peace mission in several countries around the world and within many organizations including Amnesty International. In love with Africa (she lived in Nigeria, Ivory Coast, and now Senegal), she wants to provide her active support to Peace initiatives which already exist everywhere in Senegal and on the continent in order to contribute to the development of a united and serene Africa.

Marion is also a certified Story Exchange facilitator. Story Exchanges develop empathy and facilitate dialog between people, and when made on a sensitive topic or under sensitive circumstances, they can allow people to share feelings they wouldn’t otherwise. It is therefore a powerful peacebuilding tool.

Marion TRANSETTI a commencé à militer pour la paix dès son plus jeune âge. En effet, à l’âge de 7 ans, c’est à elle que les gens venaient demander de l’aide pour gérer les conflits dans la cour de l’école. Plus tard, Marion a poursuivi sans relâche sa mission de paix dans plusieurs pays du monde et au sein de nombreuses organisations dont Amnesty International. Amoureuse de l’Afrique (elle a vécu au Nigéria, en Côte d’Ivoire et maintenant au Sénégal), elle souhaite apporter son soutien actif aux initiatives de Paix qui existent déjà partout au Sénégal et sur le continent afin de contribuer au développement d’une Afrique unie et sereine.

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