Fatoumata Sossia Djire

Fatoumata Sossia Djire is co-coordinator of World BEYOND War’s chapter in Mali. Fatoumata Sossia Djire’s dedication to peace was sparked by her experiences witnessing the authorities during the 2012-armed conflict in Mali. After hearing stories of those affected by the conflict, including those who were killed, displaced, or injured, she reevaluated her role and commitment to peace in her country. Instead of pursuing a career in banking, she chose to study conflict resolution at the Koffi Annan International Peace Keeping Training Centre, where she earned a master’s degree in gender peace and security in 2016. Fatoumata believes that education is a powerful tool for creating a more just and peaceful society in today’s world. She advocates for working with individuals and organizations to nurture every seed of peace, which will benefit not only the current generation but also future ones.

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