Ed Kinane has been a big part of efforts to oppose drone piloting at Hancock Air Base for the past 10 years. His amazing array of work over the past decades has included teaching math and biology in a one-room Quaker school in rural Kenya, hitchiking Africa and North America, providing protective accompaniment to targeted activists in Guatemala, El Salvador, Haiti, and Sri Lanka, serving as chair of Peace Brigades International’s Sri Lanka Project and a member of PBI’s national coordinating committee and a member of School of the Americas Watch national board, twice serving time in federal prisons. Ed Kinane spent Shock and Awe in Baghdad with Voices for Creative Nonviolence and has worked with Witness Against Torture. He’s been on delegations to Afghanistan, Iran, and Palestine. He’s spoken around the U.S., and spent a week at Standing Rock. But his focus now is on the Upstate Drone Action at Hancock. Areas of focus: weaponized drones; civil resistance.