Fight Terror Again and Again and Again?
The cycle of violence. When will it be interrupted?
The cycle of violence. When will it be interrupted?
But, increasingly, modern American conservatism resembles a giant wrecking ball, powered by hate-spewing demagogues to undermine or destroy long-cherished institutions, from the U.S. Post Office (established by Benjamin Franklin in 1775 and enshrined in the U.S. Constitution) to minimum wage laws (which began to appear on the state level in the early twentieth century).
What’s interesting about the Ferguson and NYC police incidents is that 60 years ago, any media coverage would likely have depicted the black victims as dangerous men and the police as clean-cut heroes, rescuing America from no-good degenerates.
No military or counter-terrorism analyst believes that the military force applied in Iraq and Syria has even the slightest chance of defeating IS.
It is now past time for the United States and other world powers to recognize that the age of neo-colonial military, political and economic domination, especially in the Islamic Middle East, is decisively coming to a close.
The U.S.-led NATO war on Afghanistan has lasted so long they’ve decided to rename it, declare the old war over, and announce a brand new war they’re just sure you’re going to love.
The U.S. Air Force says it is not halting its use of Depleted Uranium weapons, has recently sent them to the Middle East, and is prepared to use them.