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Marc Eliot Stein in Washington DC
Culture of Peace

Podcast Episode 60: A Long Road to Peace Activism

Episode 60 of the World BEYOND War podcast takes a personal slant as host Marc Eliot Stein ponders a difficult question that may be familiar to antiwar activists who find themselves living in opposition their own so-called governments. #worldbeyondwar

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Natural Gas Is Methane

Methane (CH4) is a horrible destroyer of the Earth — with 86 times the heat-trapping power of CO2 over 20 years. But natural gas is natural, almost not really gas, actually the green solution brought to us by Barack Obama. #WorldBEYONDWar

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North America

Lobbyists and War: Part 2

The Tribunal’s close examination continues into how lobbying is used by weapons makers to bribe elected officials into rewarding enormous weapons contracts and to manipulate mainstream media. #WorldBEYONDWar

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Implantation De World BEYOND War Au Togo

In the near future, WBW plans to meet with a number of climate and environmental organizations to share WBW’s vision and invite them to collaborate and sign the Declaration of Peace. #WorldBEYONDWar

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Peace Witness: Liz Speaks With Richard Northey

Richard Northey has been a leader in campaigning for a nuclear free New Zealand. He chaired the NZ Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament in the 70’s and ‘80s, and was an MP in the Labour government. #WorldBEYONDWar

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Video: Lobbyists and War

The pernicious influence of lobbying within the U.S. war industry and how it creates needless suffering and death abroad is closely examined in this segment of the Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal. #WorldBEYONDWar

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