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North America

We Kill Ourselves

Andrés Castro, a PEN member, is listed in Poets & Writers Directory and keeps a personal blog, The Practicing Poet. #WorldBEYONDWar

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California Chapter

Do Not Militarize the Central California Coast

CODEPINK’s Marcy Winograd and World BEYOND War’s Dolores Howard Respond to $250 million Package Approved by Santa Barbara Finance Committee to partner with lobbyists for the military industrial complex. #WorldBEYONDWar

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Culture of Peace

Give Them the World 

Are today’s youth being fed the same lies? Why? So that kids can grow up blindly patriotic, register for Selective Service, send their children to war to be heroes, be productive but ignorant citizens, and pay their taxes? #WorldBEYONDWar

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WBW Takes Part in Gatherings in Caracas

The World Social Alternative Meeting was held in the city of Caracas on July 24 and 25. More than 800 international invitees have gathered to discuss proposals and ideas on the construction of a world based on peace. #WorldBEYONDWar

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Greetings from the Peace Barricade!

Our guest is Hans Hedrich, a well-known pacifist and environmental activist with extensive experience in the field. We will talk about his pacifist protest in Bucharest and his future projects. #WorldBEYONDWar

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109 Organizations Reject Netanyahu

Today, 109 organizations joined together to unequivocally reject the invitation and appearance of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address a joint session of Congress. #WorldBEYONDWar

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