Imagine Africa Beyond War: Second World BEYOND War Africa Regional Peace Conference

Background and justification

The second African virtual peace conference is taking place on Zoom, on 15-16 November 2024, after a successful first edition held last year. This annual event is aimed at showcasing the opportunities that World BEYOND War chapters in Africa have to end wars and contribute to world peace-building efforts. 

Africa is a continent with several conflicts affecting many countries that have resulted in significant humanitarian crises, displacement of people, forced migration and loss of lives. The ever-increasing exacerbation of militarisation and the multiplication of foreign military bases in Africa are some of the factors creating insecurity and wars.

In order to search for solutions to end wars, the World BEYOND War movement has diversified over the past months and grown in Africa, with new activists from countries like Congo, Burkina Faso, Benin and the Central African Republic signing our Declaration of Peace. Six new chapters have been launched this year, making a total of 13 active chapters in the continent. An African has joined the Board of WBW, added to the position of Africa Organizer that was created at the beginning of the year to support the development of WBW chapters across Africa through organizing volunteer-led educational events and nonviolent activism.

Considering this context, there is a constant need of organising ourselves to act in solidarity. The African World BEYOND War Annual Peace Conference to “Imagine Africa Beyond War” is therefore a space and time to connect WBW chapters and affiliates from around the world, organisations that share similar goals and actors who want to know what is happening in Africa and how they can be part of the solution.

Like last year, the conference’s overarching goal is to expose wars and war-driven factors that prevent the African continent from envisioning sustainable peace. As well, it explores existing and potential opportunities to picture what Africa beyond war is really like, by showcasing the work for a just and sustainable peace and unique perspectives of activists in the continent who are challenging the structural causes of wars. This virtual conference is an opportunity for experience sharing, learning, inspiration, and an opportunity to create solidarity among peace practitioners around the world who share our vision for a just and peaceful world.

Keynote Speakers

This year, we have two keynote speakers:

Mrs. Sylvie Jacqueline Ndongmo, the International President of WILPF. She will speak about Addressing Western colonialism, racism, militarism and exploitation inflicted on Africa. WILPF is the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, the world’s oldest women’s peace organization, founded in 1915.

Prince Dr Oseremen Irene, President of GAMIP. He will speak about the establishment and strengthening of Infrastructures of Peace in Africa. The Global Alliance for Ministries & Infrastructures for Peace (GAMIP) is an international network dedicated to promoting peace through the establishment and support of Ministries and Infrastructures for Peace.


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  • Welcome word by Guy Feugap, Africa Organizer of WBW
  • Reflection about WBW in Africa: how does the movement growth in Africa fit the original vision of WBW? By David Swanson, Executive Director of WBW
  • Presentation of African chapters’ work by the chapter Coordinators
  • Questions to chapters
  • Young people in peacebuilding in Africa: How does WBW strengthen their capacities to take action and address weaknesses? By Guy Feugap, Africa Organizer of WBW

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  • Overview of the conflicts in Africa (what is the conflict about, when did it start, who are the actors, impacts):
    1. Central Africa: by Wardougou Kelley Sakine, Law and politics expert and member of the Senegal chapter of WBW
    2. West Africa: by Fatoumata Sossia Djire, WBW Mali Chapter Coordinator
    3. East Africa: by James Samson Owaka, WBW Kenya Chapter Coordinator
    4. Northern Africa: by Hippolyte Eric Djounguep, Geopolitical researcher and Peace and Security specialist
    5. Southern Africa: by Dr Edwick Madzimure, WBW Zimbabwe Chapter Coordinator
  • Presentations by keynote speakers
    1. Addressing Western colonialism, racism, militarism and exploitation inflicted on Africa, by Sylvie Jacqueline Ndongmo, WILPF International President
    2. Establishment and strengthening of Infrastructures of Peace in Africa, by Dr. Oseremen Irene, GAMIP President
  • Questions and answers session
  • Break out rooms, discussions about solidarity building
  • Closing remarks by Dr Sellah King’oro, WBW Board Member.


Picture of Sylvie Jacqueline Ndongmo

Sylvie Jacqueline Ndongmo

Sylvie Jacqueline Ndongmo, the founder of WILPF Cameroon, is a long-time human rights and peace leader with 28 years’ experience and a strong passion for promoting equality and inclusion in Africa and in the world at large. On July 24th, 2022, Sylvie was elected WILPF’s International President for a three year mandate. As a teacher by profession and an AU Trainer in peace support operations, she has extensive experience advocating for the political and social rights of women in Africa and worldwide. She has an impressive track record on development projects to improve policies, practices and peace-oriented actions.

Picture of Dr. Oseremen Irene

Dr. Oseremen Irene

Dr. Oseremen Irene holds a PhD degree in Peace Studies, and he is a lecturer and researcher at the Federal University Oye-Ekiti, Nigeria. He is a thorough bred public administrationist, practical peacebuilding practitioner and an expert in peace and conflict studies. Ose is the President of the Global Alliance for Ministries and Infrastructures for Peace (GAMIP), and his interest and area of expertise include peacebuilding and peace infrastructures.

Picture of Guy Feugap

Guy Feugap

Guy Feugap is the Africa Organizer of World BEYOND War. He is a teacher, writer and peace activist based in Cameroon. His overall job is to educate youth for peace and non-violence. His work puts young girls in particular at the heart of crisis resolution, awareness raising on several issues in their communities. He joined WILPF Cameroon when it was established in 2014 and founded the Cameroon Chapter of World BEYOND War in 2020.

Picture of Dr. Sellah N. King’oro

Dr. Sellah N. King’oro

Dr. Sellah N. King’oro is a Board Member of World BEYOND War, a peace and security specialist, trainer, and advocate of the High Court of Kenya. She received a presidential trailblazer award in women, peace, and security from the Kenyan president on 2 March 2023. In October 2023, Sellah also received a shortlisted award medal from the Women in Defence UK in the inspirational category.

Dr. Sellah King’oro is currently a post-doctoral fellow at the State University of New York, Binghamton. She has contributed to reconciliation/dialogue processes among communities in parts of East, Central, and West Africa. Dr. King’oro has been a Charles Scheidt resident practitioner at the Institute for Genocide and Mass Atrocity Prevention at Binghamton University, USA.

Dr. King’oro has a Ph.D. in Peace and Conflict Studies, an MA in International Studies, a Bachelor of Laws, and a Bachelor of Education from various Universities in Kenya and overseas. Her honorary responsibilities include a membership of the Inclusive Narratives Practice Group – IFIT ( convened by the Institute for Integrated Transitions (IFIT). She was appointed the Global Peace Index ambassador in 2015 by the Institute for Economics and Peace, is the past president of Rotary District 9212 Alumni Association and the current Rotary Peace Fellowship Coordinator for Africa. As part of community service, Sellah mentors a pool of next-generation researchers who desire to contribute to social change.

Picture of Hippolyte Eric Djounguep

Hippolyte Eric Djounguep

Hippolyte Eric Djounguep is a geopolitical researcher and peace and security specialist. He is the author of several books, including “Crise anglophone au Cameroun. Guerre sauvage?" (2021) published by Generis.

Picture of Wardougou Kelley Sakine

Wardougou Kelley Sakine

Wardougou Kelley Sakine is a member of the Senegalese chapter of WBW. He is a public law expert and political scientist specializing in peace and security issues at the Université Gaston Berger in Saint-Louis, Senegal.

Picture of Michelle Amutavy

Michelle Amutavy

Michelle Amutavy, member of WBW Kenya chapter, is a Humanitarian Response Professional with experience in peacebuilding, emergency preparedness, disaster risk reduction, refugee resettlement, and livelihoods enhancement. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Peace and Conflict Resolution from Africa Nazarene University in Kenya and has worked with government bodies, NGOs, and intergovernmental organizations. Her expertise includes refugee resettlement, program management, advocacy, and research, with a focus on promoting human rights and good governance.

Picture of Leon Mkangya Alenga

Leon Mkangya Alenga

Born in Kilimbalimba on June 07, 1971, Leon Mkangya Alenga is Coordinator of the Peace Organization for Development Opportunities OPOD asbl/World BEYOND War in Democratic Republic of Congo (OPOD asbl/WBW South Kivu chapter). He is an Expert in Reflection on the Practice of Peace (RPP) and a Facilitator in the Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP). Former Field Coordinator for the Change Agent Peace Program (CAPP/ Quaker Service Norway) in South Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo.

Picture of Fatoumata Sossia Djire

Fatoumata Sossia Djire

Fatoumata Sossia Djire is the Coordinator of WBW Mali chapter. She is a highly dedicated professional, bringing 5 years of experience in the Non-Profit sector, with a specialization in conflict resolution and gender issues. Her passion for research and unwavering commitment to collaborating with women and youth drive her efforts to foster gender equality. In addition, she actively advocates for SDG 16, working towards promoting peace on a global scale.

Picture of Dr Edwick Madzimure

Dr Edwick Madzimure

Dr Edwick MADZIMURE is a humanitarian disarmament advocate. She is the Coordinator of WBW Zimbabwe chapter. Her journey in disarmament started in 2018. In 2022 Edwick published a report on the link between militarism, climate change and resource exploitation in Africa. She has been actively engaged in disarmament advocacy at national, regional to international platforms.

Picture of Charlotte Kalanbani

Charlotte Kalanbani

Charlotte Kalanbani is an activist, founder of the NGO “Initiatives positives TCHEWAI” and Coordinator of the Togolese chapter of WBW. She is also a member of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF), of which she is Secretary General for the Togo Section. At WILFP International, she is a member of the environmental working group. She is also a trade unionist and works with Public Services International (PSI), where she is Administrator of the Togo-based Regional Office for Africa and Arab Countries.

Picture of Charles George Onen

Charles George Onen

Charles George Onen is the Coordinator of WBW South Sudan chapter. He has a degree in Public Administration and Management and Diploma in Food Security and Livelihoods. Currently, he is working for an organization called SUPPORT FOR WOMAN IN GOVERNANCE ORGANIZATION as a Program Manager. He is the founder of Agri-Edu and community Link Network.

Picture of Omar Mboob

Omar Mboob

Omar Mboob is a Youth leader and Activist, and Coordinator of the World BEYOND War chapter in Gambia. He is passionate for advocating SDGs and is a specialist in youth development and Social Justice. Omar is a Youth development African Award Nominee 2023, Founder of Gambia Youth Leadership Activist Advocacy (GYLAA), National Coordinator for African Youth Leadership Hub Gambia Chapter. He is Head of Advocacy for Equal Trade Alliance Gambia, TAWER AFRICA Ambassador.

Picture of Elvis Ndihokubwayo

Elvis Ndihokubwayo

Elvis Ndihokubwayo is a medical doctor and peace activist in Burundi. He is the chapter Coordinator for World BEYOND War Burundi. Pro liberty, Elvis has advocated for human rights since 2017, coordinating young people and students from different universities in Burundi and across the East Africa region to exchange on different topics about peace. Says Elvis, “I believe that once youth are transformed positively, communities are changed and strengthened. I embrace dignity for all and for a peaceful world.”

Picture of Jane Obiora

Jane Obiora

Jane Obiora is the chapter Coordinator for World BEYOND War Nigeria, the Coordinator for Centre for Peace Advancement and Socio-Economic Development (CPAED) and Chairperson of Open Government Partnership (OGP) on improving service delivery where she promotes peace and advocates for strong, functional and inclusive society. She works to inspire the creation of ideas, development and implementation of various projects and programs as well as to provide strategic direction for the achievement of goals. Jane holds a master’s degree in Public Administration from the Ahmadu Bello University and has 7-years of hands-on working experience. Well versed in project management, capacity development, peace building and youth activism, Jane seeks to make a tangible, notable and lasting impact. As an energetic and innovative thinker, she focuses on stimulating governments, individuals, and communities to make positive impact.

Picture of James Samson Owaka

James Samson Owaka

James Samson Owaka is the Coordinator of WBW Kenya chapter. He is a Peace Practitioner & Social Justice activist with over 10 years standing. He is the Executive Director at CPSS Africa, a Regional Peace & Security Organization implementing programmes within East/Horn of Africa Region.

Picture of David Swanson

David Swanson

David Swanson is Co-Founder, Executive Director, and a Board Member of World BEYOND War. He is based in Virginia in the United States. David is an author, activist, journalist, and radio host. He is campaign coordinator for Swanson’s books include War Is A Lie. He blogs at and He hosts Talk World Radio. He is a Nobel Peace Prize nominee, and was awarded the 2018 Peace Prize by the U.S. Peace Memorial Foundation. Longer bio and photos and videos here. Follow him on Twitter: @davidcnswanson and FaceBook. Sample videos.

Picture of Marion Transetti

Marion Transetti

Marion Transetti is a Co-coordinator of the World BEYOND War Senegal chapter. She started her peace activism at a very young age. She was indeed, at 7 years old, the one who people came to ask for help in order to manage conflicts in the schoolyard. Later, Marion continued relentlessly her Peace mission in several countries around the world and within many organizations including Amnesty International. In love with Africa (she lived in Nigeria, Ivory Coast, and now Senegal), she wants to provide her active support to Peace initiatives which already exist everywhere in Senegal and on the continent in order to contribute to the development of a united and serene Africa.

Picture of Hervé Roland Miahoré

Hervé Roland Miahoré

Miahoré Hervé Roland is the Coordinator of the Ivorian chapter of WBW and President of the NGO ACIS (Actions pour la Culture, l'Intégration et la Sensibilisation), an organization committed to promoting positive actions towards others and the planet. He is a passionate advocate of charity work. He works actively to promote mutual aid, solidarity and environmental protection for sustainable development. Committed to peace in his country, Mr. Miahoré organizes the annual Cocody Peace Expo. This event brings together renowned Ivorian painters to create works of art inspired by peace and the Sustainable Development Goals.

Picture of Roméo Sonkeng

Roméo Sonkeng

Roméo Sonkeng is a Cameroonian based in Yaoundé, Co-coordinator of the WBW chapter and in charge of logistics at WILPF Cameroon. His activism covers the fields of environmental law and protection, environmental economics, gender equality and disaster management. He is passionate about travel and music, to enrich his professional life, discover new cultures and draw inspiration from diverse forms of artistic expression.


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