简介:和平新闻先锋Alfred Fried

彼得·范登·邓根(Peter van den Dungen) 和平记者杂志,10月5,2020

The existence of centers, courses, conferences as well as journals, manuals, and other publications dedicated to peace journalism would have been greatly welcomed by Alfred Hermann Fried (1864-1921).阿尔弗雷德·赫尔曼·弗里德(1911-XNUMX)会非常欢迎存在着专门报道和平新闻的中心,课程,会议以及期刊,手册和其他出版物。 He would certainly have recognized the urgent need for this kind of journalism today.他肯定会认识到当今对此类新闻的迫切需求。 The Austrian was the first journalist to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize (XNUMX).奥地利人是第一位获得诺贝尔和平奖(XNUMX年)的记者。 Today, many journalists have been persecuted for their pursuit of peace, truth, and justice.如今,许多记者因追求和平,真理与正义而受到迫害。

(1889)。 19年,由弗里德(Fried)编辑直到去世的《弗里登斯·瓦尔特(Die Friedens-Warte)》取代了它。

The chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee called it 'the best journal in the peace movement, with excellent leading articles and news of topical international problems.'挪威诺贝尔委员会主席称其为“和平运动中最好的期刊,其中有出色的领先文章和有关国际问题的新闻”。 Among its many distinguished contributors were academics from a wide range of disciplines (especially scholars of international law), activists, and politicians.在其众多杰出的贡献者中,包括来自各学科的学者(尤其是国际法学者),活动家和政治家。

In all of his many writings, Fried always reported and analysed the political issues of the day in a way which focussed on the need and possibility for calming inflamed sentiments and preventing violent conflict (as did von Suttner, the first female political journalist in the German language).弗里德(Fried)在他的所有著作中都以一种方式来报道和分析当今的政治问题,重点在于平息激进的情绪和防止暴力冲突的需要和可能性(德国第一位女政治记者冯·萨特纳(von Suttner)也是如此。语言)。 They consistently and practically promoted an enlightened, cooperative and con- structive approach.他们始终如一地促进开明,合作和建设性的方法。

1908年,他出版了一卷书,其中包括1,000篇有关和平运动的报纸文章的详细信息,显示了他作为记者的熟练程度。 He clearly set himself apart from the mainstream journalism of his day – with its nefarious stoking of fear, hatred, and suspicion among countries – by referring to him- self as a peace journalist.他称自己为和平记者,显然使自己与当时的主流新闻界脱颖而出-其在国家间引起恐惧,仇恨和猜疑的恶果激昂。 'Under the White Flag!', a book that he published in Berlin in 1901, consisted of a selection of his articles and essays and was subtitled 'From the files of a peace journalist' (Friedensjournalist).他于XNUMX年在柏林出版的《白旗之下!》一书中精选了他的文章和论文,并以“来自和平记者的档案”为副标题。


Although he devoted much time and energy editing several peace movement journals, Fried realised that they reached only a relatively small audience and that 'preaching to the converted' was ineffective.尽管弗里德花费大量时间和精力编辑了几本和平运动期刊,但他意识到,这些杂志只覆盖了相对较小的受众,并且“与converted依者保持联系”是无效的。 The real campaign had to be waged in and through the mainstream press.真正的竞选活动必须在主流媒体中进行并通过主流媒体进行。

The need for peace journalism is greater than ever, also because the consequences of violent conflict and war are so much more catastrophic than a century ago.对和平新闻业的需求比以往任何时候都更加迫切,这还因为暴力冲突和战争的后果比一个世纪前更加具有灾难性。 The organization and institutionalization of peace journalism at the start of the 21st century is therefore greatly to be welcomed.因此,在20世纪初和平新闻的组织和制度化受到极大欢迎。 Fried had attempted something similar at the start of the XNUMXth century when he took the initiative for the creation of an International Union of the Peace Press.弗里德(Fried)在XNUMX世纪初主动创立国际和平出版社联盟时曾尝试过类似的尝试。 Despite his best efforts, it remained embryonic and when peace journalism was revived in the after- math of two world wars, his pioneering efforts had largely been forgotten.尽管他尽了最大的努力,但它仍处于萌芽状态,在两次世界大战后恢复了和平新闻之后,他的开拓性努力被很大程度上遗忘了。


彼得·范登·邓根(Peter van den Dungen)是布拉德福德大学和平研究的讲师/访问讲师,
UK (1976-2015).英国(XNUMX-XNUMX)。 A peace historian, he is honorary general coordinator of the International Network of Museums for Peace (INMP).他是一位和平历史学家,是国际和平博物馆网络(INMP)的名誉总协调员。


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