Dear WNPJ Members!
We are pleased to announce that we will be building off of the success of our Growing a Peaceful Future: Youth Film Festival last year and having our second annual this May 2nd from 1-4 pm in Madison WI.
We are asking high school students to make a video in response to the question: If you had $1 trillion, what would you do for yourself, your family and your community rather than spending it all on the military budget?
As many of you know the US spends almost as much as the entire rest of the world combined on military operations and weapons and we continue to have deficits in community needs such as education, health care, veterans benefits, and public transportation.
Over $1.5 trillion have been spent on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and each year, nearly $1 trillion is spent on the U.S. Military. Wisconsin alone has spent $23 billion on this years military budget and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and over the past 12 years.
Please encourage any high schoolers in your life to submit a video!
Here are some important dates and information to keep in mind:
March 8th 1-4 pm Workshop on How to Create a Successful Video! at UW Madison Vilas Hall Room 4050 on University Ave and North Park St. A workshop for high school students by UW Comm Arts Professor Lori Kido Lopez on how to create a video and what to add in the video.
April 15th Deadline for submitting a video at There are more details on the website.
May 2nd 1-4 pm in Madison Location TBA. We will be showcasing the finalists for the contest, presenting the scholarships, voting on the people’s choice award, having good food, building community, and taking pictures on the red carpet! Save the date!
Scholarships will be awarded to the top four videos, judged for their createivity and content. The first prize winner will recieve $1,000, 2nd place $500, and 3rd place $250, and People’s Choice $250.
Please visit for great information to help get started on the video entries.
If students are interested in submitting a video please RSVP online at: Feel free to contact us with any questions.
Z! Haukeness and the Growing a Peaceful Future Team.