The Twistedness of “No Trump Accomplishments” in First 100 Days

By Sam Husseini.

A CNN headline blares a few days before the end of his “First 100 Days”: “Trump’s race against the clock to do something.”

Similarly, “Democracy Now” headlines a segment: “‘It Has Not Gone Well’: 100 Days of President Trump and No Major Achievements.”

It certainly hasn’t gone well, but Trump has in fact accomplished a great deal. Neil Gorsuch was put on the Supreme Court using the rhetoric of “pro-life” and has already facilitated death. His ascension basically consolidates rightwing control over all three branches of government.

Trump has assembled a incredible cabinet of corporate bosses and Wall Street and pro-war apparatchiks.

He has adroitly broken the letter and spirit of virtually any positive promises he made to curtail U.S. interventionism and warmaking around the world; to take on Wall Street; to up taxes on the wealthy, etc. He appears to be escalating Obama’s war on whistleblowers to a war on publishers.

What are euphemistically called “flip flops” are actually betrayals of the interests of most of the people who actually voted for Trump.

This is a phenomenal accomplishment.

Like Obama before him, he has ensured the continued solidification of an oppressive pro war and pro Wall Street establishment that runs at odds to the aspirations and interests of much of U.S. public, to say nothing of the global public.
By putting forward the “crit” that Trump has “no major achievements,” do alleged opponents of Trump pretend that they are helping prevent further damage by him?

Trump could be carrying out horrific policies and many would ignore that if he just makes a dumb comment. Oh, wait, that’s what’s happening. He can bomb human beings in any nation and it gets minimal coverage because — stop the presses — the White House misidentified Steven Mnuchin as “commerce secretary” when he’s actually treasury secretary.

They should identify Mnuchin as a Goldman Sach insider, foreclosure king, or someone whose net financial worth — estimated at $46 million — is only a fraction of that of Wilbur Ross, the actual commerce secretary, who has $2.5 billion.
This non-crit of Trump will actually empower him to do more damage.
The problem here is quite similar to how George H. W. Bush was depicted early in his administration by liberals: “A wimp.” The typically sensible media watch group FAIR even ran a piece way back then scrutinizing the Bush administration’s attempts to characterize him as a “rough rider.”
This depiction of Bush as “wimp” actually helped enable his use of military violence, with the invasion of Panama and then the first attack on Iraq in the early 90s.
It’s clear that when Van Jones calls Trump “presidential” when he uses military violence, that that increasing the likelihood of more violence. But a similar effect is achieved in other ways.

And as Trump racks up “accomplishments” — as he and his cabal of corporate bosses cut deals with Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell — the liberal “crit” of Trump “not accomplishing anything” will deserve an assist on every one of those “accomplishments.”

Mission accomplished?

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