The Norwegian Nobel Committee ignores the testament of Nobel. They claim that the “champions of peace” Nobel described in his will no longer exist. To end this charade we have seen no alternative to lifting the curtain of secrecy they hide their waywardness behind.
The Nobel Committee has pursued its own ideas and failed to see how the expressions Nobel used and the promise he gave to Bertha von Suttner to “do something big for the movement” (italics added) leave no room for doubt what “champions of peace” Nobel intended to support. Expressed in modern language:
When Nobel wished to support the “champions of peace,” he meant the movement and the persons who work for a demilitarized world, for law to replace power in international politics, and for all nations to commit to cooperating on the elimination of all weapons instead of competing for military superiority.
This is the content of the prize and as the legally binding scope of all selections it was presented to the Nobel Committee 7 years ago. The committee has never contested this description of the purpose of Nobel, just used their power to ignore it. We think the peace idea of Nobel is of imperative urgency in the world today, and that everyone should know these ideas and be able to see and discuss them. That is why we have decided to publish the following list of qualified candidates.
Below is the list of those we know who are nominated AND qualified, under a wide understanding of the purpose of Nobel, either
1) by direct work for the global disarmament plan Nobel had in mind, or
2) by peace work with high utility and relevance to realizing the Nobel “uniting of disarmed nations,” particularly the work to abolish nuclear weapons, and to promote non-violence, conflict resolution and prevention, develop international law and institutions, etc.
3) by contributing new ideas and research, develop new methods for civilized, non-violent interrelation between peoples that enables a demilitarization of international relations.
The list is not final. We welcome information of nominations we are not aware of or of candidates that we – based on the Nobel purpose – should have included in our list. If you miss certain “champions of peace” in the list this year, please take steps to have them included among the nominations for 2016 – deadline: Feb 1, 2016. The Nobel Peace Prize is happy to give advice and guidance in the hope of realizing Nobel’s true purpose and idea. Contact us
Abolition 2000, Global network organization
Article 9, Japan
Bolkovac, Kathryn, USA
Bryn, Steinar, Norway
Falk, Richard, USA
International Assosiation of Lawyers against Nuclear Arms, IALANA, (NY, Geneva, Colombo)
Juristen und Juristinnen gegen atomare, biologische und chemische Waffen , Germany
Krieger, David , USA
Lindner, Evelin, main basis Norway
Mayor, Federico, Spain
Nansen Dialogue Network
Nihon Hidankyo, Japan
Oberg, Jan, Sweden
Snowden, Edward, USA
Swanson, David, USA
Mr. Taniguchi, Sumiteru, Japan
Ms. Thurlow, Setsuko, Canada
UNESCO culture of peace program (Paris)
Ware, Alyn, New Zealand
Weiss, Peter, USA
Women’s international League for Peace and Freedom, WILPF (Geneva)
Waiting list – Insufficient information
The following appear to be nominated, but we have not been able to get
the actual nomination. The list of valid candidates will be supplemented
as soon as we get additional valid nominations.
The International Campaign for the Abolition of Nuclear arms, ICAN
Manning, Chelsea, USA
Sharp, Gene, USA