By David Rothauser
Sixty –eight years ago they gave peace and nobody listened.
In 1947 a peace constitution was born, but nobody noticed. Sixty-eight years later, on September 19, 2015, that constitution was systematically raped and nobody outside Japan cares.
Such is the result of the dysfunctional world we have come to live in since the beginning of the nuclear age.
Can a constitution really be raped and if so, why should anyone care? The constitution as mentioned, is in fact a living constitution, a document-in-action. It is a constitution that is lived every day by its people, alive in their daily lives. It is observable, palpable, enjoyable and until recently, secure. Anyone who has visited the island nation of Japan since 1945, knows that its people, by example, embrace their pacifist constitution. You can experience it directly by their gentle interaction with outsiders and each other, even if they are feeling stressed or ambivalent about a particular encounter. Look for road rage in Japan. You won’t find it. Look for excessive horn blowing in heavy traffic –it doesn’t exist. Look to buy a gun in Japan. You can’t. Walk down any darkened street in any metropolitan city – you will not be mugged or attacked. Go to Tokyo’s central train and subway station. Leave your luggage anywhere for weeks on end. Nobody will touch it. Bicyclists? They don’t know what bicycle locks are. Police until recently have been unarmed. Is this Utopia? Not quite. There is, after all a crime rate – something like 11 homicides a year. Kids are bullied in schools. There’s gender inequality in the work place and hidden prejudice against gaijin (foreigners) and even discrimination against their own hibakusha. Yet for 68 years Japan has never threatened another nation with armed attack, no civilians lost, no soldiers lost. No nuclear weapons. They have virtually lived a life that most other nations can only dream about. Yet behind the scenes other forces have been lurking…
The original peace constitution was conceived in 1945 at the close of World War II by Prime Minister Baron Kijuro Shidehara and General Douglas MacArthur, Supreme Allied Commander of Southeast Asia and commander of U.S. occupation forces in Japan. Both men acknowledged and agreed that a peace constitution was needed in Japan, then set it into motion. Imposed by the occupation, the process became a collaboration between Japanese progressives and the liberal minded General MacArthur. A national publicity campaign opened the idea to the population at large through discussions, debates and a referendum. Citizens were even encouraged to submit suggestions to the framers in the Diet and among the occupying researchers and writers. No stone was left unturned. By May 3, 1947, the new constitution with its preamble and famous Article 9 declaring that Japan would never again make war, was written into law. Maybe peace wasn’t so bad after all. Then thunder struck.
The U.S. became embroiled in another war, this time against North Korea. Uncle Sam strongly encouraged Japan to drop Article 9, to re-arm and go to war with the U.S. against North Korea. Then Prime Minster Yoshida said, “No. You gave us this constitution, you gave Japanese women the right to vote. They won’t let us go to war….you want us to deploy to Korea? This will kill Japan’s image in the world. Asia will be appalled.” By saying no to the U.S. in 1950, Japan took sole responsibility for their peace constitution. They soon developed the three non-nuclear principles – forbidding the nation to possess or manufacture nuclear weapons or to allow them to be introduced into its territories. Not to be deterred, the U.S. kept up the pressure. Japan would be a valuable ally in future U.S. foreign policy plans for Asia. And little by little Japan began to give in. First they agreed to build a home defense force known as the SDF. In 1953, then Senator Richard Nixon spoke publicly in Tokyo that Article 9 had been a mistake. By 1959, unbeknownst to Japanese citizens the United States and Japanese governments formed a secret pact to bring nuclear weapons to Japanese harbors – a direct violation of the 3 non-nuclear principles. First Nagasaki, then Okinawa became stations for U.S. nuclear weapons aimed at China and North Korea. Secrecy became the key to the U.S. – Japan Security Pact. The formula was working as planned for the United States. Japan began to provide repair and embarkation bases for U.S bombers during the Vietnam War. Then humanitarian troops as peace keepers in Iraq and Afghanistan. The U.S. upped the ante; Uncle Sam put it bluntly, “Our alliance with you is on shaky ground, Nihon. I suggest you take a long look at Australia…her sons and daughters are willing to die to help defend the United States. That’s what an alliance means.” Prime Minister Koizumi promised to put boots on the ground in Iraq. He does, but not a shot is fired.
Japanese Navy SDF ships take part in the Afghaniston war – the SDF lends its support to mayhem against innocent civilians. Yet still, not a shot is fired. By 2000, Richard Armitage U.S. Deputy Secretary of State and Joseph Nye, of Harvard University, draw up plans for the final rape of the Japanese Constitution. It is a three part report that ultimately works in concert with future prime minister Shinzo Abe’s plan to scuttle Article 9 so Japan may take its rightful place as a normal player on the world stage. Rebuild the military, protect our people from a potentially dangerous China and an unstable North Korea. We should be proactive for peace by fighting against foreign belligerents and we should be prepared to help defend our allies if they are attacked by enemy forces, even if Japan is not attacked.
Taro Yamamoto, representing The People’s Life Party in the DIET, exposes and challenges the recent capitulation to Abe’s LDP party to re-invent the constitution. With uncharacteristic fervor (for a Japanese diplomat) young Yamamoto courageously threw down the gauntlet in a direct challenge to Defense Minister Nakatani and Foreign Minister Kishida.
Taro Yamamoto: I would like to ask the obvious, the topic we all know in Nagatacho but we never discuss. Please answer in a simple and clear manner. Thank you.
Minister Nakatani, as a legislative fact for the enactment of the national security bills, there have been….for the US military, a request from it, is that right?
Defense Minister (Gen Nakatani): When the current regulation was enacted, there were no such needs from the US, therefore they were excluded. Which, I have stated during the Diet session. However, during subsequent discussion on the Guidelines for Japan-U.S. Defense Cooperation, the US has expressed an expectation for Japan to pursue a broader logistical support…. moreover, unexpected circumstances have shifted in various ways, so now, we have recognized those and we consider that it is necessary to lay down a legal measure for them.
Taro Yamamoto: Minister Nakatani, could you tell us, what sort of needs were expressed in what form and when by the US military?
Defense Minister (Gen Nakatani): The Japan-U.S. Defense Cooperation has progressed, and its guideline was reevaluated while the capability of the Self-Defense Force has improved — these prompted the US request for the broader logistical support, therefore, basically, the needs came out during the discussion between Japan and the US.
Taro Yamamoto: That really did not answer what I have asked…
In any case, the needs of the US military are the legislative facts, right? There was a request and there were those needs, accordingly, the way our country should be and its rules are being altered, right? . And according to the law, we can transport bullets, shells, grenades, rockets, even missiles or nuclear weapons can be delivered.
But now, you changed the interpretation of the Constitution, upon the US military request.
In fact, I would like to let you know how big and detailed the nature of the US request is.
Image please (reference shown)
This image was taken from the home page of Prime Minister of Japan and His Cabinet.
The gentleman who is shaking Prime Minster Abe’s hand is the famous, with his quotes “Show the flag”, “Boots on the ground”, Richard Armitage, the former U.S. Deputy Secretary of State…. the second from the left, with the red tie, is Joseph Nye, Harvard University.
These two people, for those who have no idea who they are, are Armitage, a former U.S. Deputy Secretary of State and Professor Nye at Harvard University, published Armitage-Nye Report proposing the approach on Japan-U.S. security issues.
It’s the story of the extremely influential gentlemen: That the precious words endowed by these two are faithfully reflected in the Japanese national policies.
The first report in October of 2000, the second in February of 2007 and the third in August of 2012, each of the Armitage Nye Report has significant influence on the security policies of Japan.
Please switch the image panel, thank you.
As we see this, it becomes clear that almost everything, from the unconstitutional cabinet decision to unconstitutional national security bills, derives from the request of the US.
The suggestion no. 1, it’s at the very top. Surprisingly, they are asking for a restart of the nuclear plants. Prime Minister (Abe) went for it without considering the safety issues.
The suggestion no. 8, protection of national security secrets of Japan, and secrets between the US and Japan. This is an exact recipe for the Act on the Protection of Specially Designated Secrets. It certainly has been realized.
No. 12 under the heading Others….the United States welcomes and supports Japan’s recent monumental achievements. Among these are: developing seamless security legislation; the creation of its National Security Council; the Three Principles on Transfer of Defense Equipment and Technology; the Act on the Protection of Specially Designated Secrets; the Basic Act on Cybersecurity; the new Basic Plan on Space Policy; and the Development Cooperation Charter.” These are “the monumental achievements”, that come from the new guidelines’ accuracy in following the suggestions of the third Armitage Nye Report, right?
And as we compare the national security bills, the war act, to the list on the panel, no.2 protection of the sea lane, no. 5 cooperation with India, Australia, Philippines and Taiwan, no. 6 systematic cooperation beyond the territory of Japan on intelligence, surveillance and spy activities, and peace time, contingencies, crisis and war time systematic cooperation between the US military and Japanese Self-Defense Force, no. 7 independent Japanese operation involving mine sweepers around Strait of Hormuz, and joint surveillance operation in South China Sea with the US, no. 9 expansion of legal authority during UN peace keeping operations, no. 11 joint military trainings and joint development of weapons…
I would like to ask Foreign Minister Kishida.Do you consider the suggestions included in the third Armitage Nye Report to be actualized as “Japan’s recent monumental achievements” as they were written in the joint statement for the new guidelines and as the national security bills?
Foreign Minister (Fumio Kishida): First, the aforementioned report is a private report, therefore I must refrain from commenting on it from the official stand point…I consider them not to be made according to the report. In terms of the peace and security bills, it is an independent attempt to consider, strictly, how to protect the lives of the Japanese population and the way of life. Regarding the new guidelines also, we consider that, as our security environment continue to reflect a harsh reality, suggest a general framework and policy directions of the Japan-U.S. defense cooperation.
Taro Yamamoto: Thank you very much.
Nakatani Defense Minister, the supplied material, the summary of the third Armitage Nye Report, was taken right out of the JMSDF (Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force) Command and Staff College home page. Do you think the third Armitage Nye report suggestions are reflected in the content of the national security bills?
Defense Minister (Gen Nakatani): The Defense Ministry and Self-Defense Force take various people’s perspectives broadly from the world into consideration of the intelligence collection, research and analysis.
Regarding the peace and security bills we have made it strictly as an independent attempt to protect the lives of the population and the way of life….therefore it is not made according to the Nye Report, moreover, as we will continue to research and examine it, although we do recognize that some portions of the bills overlap with the report, as it was pointed out in the report, we do insist that it is a strictly independent attempt through our consideration and research.
Taro Yamamoto: You say that this is a private think tank, and you say that it’s just a coincidence, and the people from the private think tank visit Japan all the time and our Prime Minister gives speeches to them as well. How intimate, and, how can you say that it’s a coincidence? You say that it is not made according to the report, although some portions overlap, no, this is overlapping almost identically. It is just as it is. You have done a splendid job making a perfect replica, it is an exact copy (1).
If we just look at the unconstitutional cabinet decision on July first last year and this unconstitutional national security bill, the war act, it’s been exactly as they were requested by the US. What in the world? Moreover, restart of the nuclear plants, TPP, the Act on the Protection of Specially Designated Secrets, repeal of the Three Principles on Arms Exports, anything and everything is going as wished by the US. What’s with this absolute cooperation with 100% sincerity in complying with the US, the needs of the US military, even if we must step on our Constitution and destroy our way of life in the implementation? Could we call this an independent nation? It’s completely manipulated, whose country is it, that’s what I’d like to discuss.
And despite this extraordinary dedication to the colonial lord, /the US, on the other hand, has been eaves dropping on the “allied nation” Japan’s agencies and corporate giants and sharing the info with Five Eyes countries, England, Canada, New Zealand and Australia. We’ve heard about that last month, which is just idiotic.
How long are we going to keep sitting on this convenience? How long are we going to stay as a suckerfish hanging onto a declining super power? (Someone speaks) Now, I heard someone speak from behind me. It’s the 51st state, the last state of the US, that’s a way to look at it. But if it’s the 51st state, we’ve got to be able to choose the president. That’s not even happening.
Are we just being helpless? When will we stop being the colony? It’s got to be now. Equal relationship, we’ve got to make it a healthy relationship. It’s ridiculous that we just keep working on their demands.
I am absolutely against the war act, no way, it’s an American war act by America and for America. There is no other way other than scrapping it. Period.
If you insist on the threat of China, creating a situation in which the Self-Defense Force can go all the way to the back of the planet dilutes the defense capability around the nation. Why does the Self-Defense Force have to join the US to the back of the planet and run around with it? And that makes it OK to go around with other nations as well, right? Where do we stop? There is no end. And you seem to be not concerned at all about the lack of defense around Japan for someone who is so adamant about the threat of China.
The act must be scrapped, that is the only way there is, with these words I would like to end our questions for the morning. Thank you very much.
Translator’s note
(1), Taro Yamamoto refers to the cultural phenomenon of appreciating the craft of faithfully reproducing musical performance, scenes from movies, TV shows and so on in a similar or different format by using the associated term “kancopi”. The direct translation of the term would be “perfect copy”. In the session, he is mocking the extreme degree of the servitude of the administration by praising the commendable job they did in kancopying the Armitage Nye Report suggestions.
This was a gang rape that started in 1950 and reached its zenith on September 19, 2015. It was not PM Abe who acted alone, it wasn’t even his original idea. He wasn’t the gang leader, but he took the lead with the passion of a zealot. Day by day, week by week, month by month he completed his task with lies, subterfuge and brute force. Against the will of his people he ravished their mind and soul………and in the end he dumped their body into the excrement of his blind will.
So there it is. The rape has been completed. We may categorize it as a gang rape, conceived, planned and executed by the governments of the United States of America and Japan. Officially initiated in the year 2000 by the Armitage-Nye Report, with the collusion of Right Wing elements in Japan, they stalked and taunted their victim through two Gulf wars with Iraq, the current war on Afghanistan and the global war on terror. Administrations in concert with each other over that period included, on the American side; Bill Clinton 2000, George W. Bush 2001 – 2007 and Barack Obama 2008 – 20015.
On the Japanese side; Keizo Ubuchi 2000, Yoshiro Mori 2000, Junichiro Koizumi 2001 – 2006, Shinzo Abe 2006 – 2007, Yasuo Fukuda 2007 – 2008, Taro Aso 2008 -2009, Yukio Hatoyama 2009 – 2010, Naoto Kan 2010 – 2011, Yoshihiko Noda 2011 – 2012, Shinzo Abe 2012 – current.
The motivation was equal on both sides. Remove all legal barriers to the U.S. Security Pact in order to strengthen the alliance militarily. The mutual goal was and is the eventual Military-Industrial-Scientific-Economic domination of Asia. If the rape could be achieved legally, all the better, if not both sides would proceed illegally. The rape victim would adjust accordingly, as expected.
The trauma to Japanese citizens? Intense shock to the human system compounded by fear, isolation, anger, vulnerability, loss of trust, devotion, belief and love. The heart and soul of her people has been torn out by cold hearted, ego-maniacal power brokers intent on expanding their dreams of empire, their insatiable addiction for more, more and yet more.
This rape was not done by a violent tsunami or a natural earthquake. It was performed surgically by flesh and blood humans, virtual brothers and sisters to us all. Yet the heart and souls exposed, naked as they are, continue to fight, to embrace and cling to their beautiful constitution. They are re-molding that constitution, stretching and kneading it as one works with clay or bread, kneading it in their own image, an image of the people it is meant to serve. In the past Article 9 has always been a beacon to a world blinded by war. The world failed to heed. Today the hearts and souls of Japan pulsate with a force majeur. A force that has never been denied and always wins out over the long haul. Love, a force that is continuously slandered, buffeted, denied, misunderstood and raped, yet remains true to itself, can never be defeated. The youth of Japan, the mothers, the graying middle class, the hibakusha, soldiers of the SDF (Self Defense Forces) are marching to tomorrow’s drumbeat. They are emboldened by the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom who are now campaigning for a version of Article 9 as an amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
In 1945 the newly formed United Nations issued a mandate to abolish war. Inspired by the international Kellogg-Briand Pact in 1928, the UN mandate has yet to be achieved. By their degenerate action the U.S. and Japanese administrations may have inadvertently opened a Pandora’s Box that may be re-filled to overflowing with a form of world peace that has long been the sole province of Japan and is now open to global Article 9 Constitutions of the future.
Copyright David Rothauser
Memory Productions 1482 Beacon Street, #23, Brookline, MA 02446, USA 617 232-4150, BLOG, ARTICLE 9 IN NORTH AMERICA, |