By: Ashby McGowan
And yes, afterwards
Perhaps there shall be what the humans once called, “Weeds”
Yet pretty in the ruins
Green urgent shoots, they do not know they were once called, “Ugly”
There may one day be trees
All over the World, surviving
Covering the scars. Giving out oxygen for what remains.
So much lives on through the radiation
Yet still, many species have been cruelly mutated
But lichens? Yes, beautiful lichens will survive,
The United States of America, Lecanora, The United Kingdom, Lepraria, Israel, Xanthoria, Russia, Parmelia, France, Physcia, China, Hypogymnia
The unquestioning masses are silent now for ever. No longer worried by doubts.
The believers are in their heaven – if it exists
And the Politicians have fought their war to the best of their abilities
But, the cost