Pivot Toward War:
US Missile Defense
and the Weaponization of Space
25th Annual Space Organizing Conference & Protest
April 7-9, 2017
Huntsville, Alabama
Join us for the 25th anniversary of the Global Network at this important conference and protest in the community known as the ‘Pentagon of the South’.
Huntsville is the home of the Redstone Arsenal and the Space Command’s directorate for ‘missile defense’. Huntsville is the manufacturing site for the PAC-3, SM-3 missile defense (MD) systems while the controversial THAAD is built in another part of Alabama. Redstone Arsenal was the place where after WWII Nazi rocket scientists were brought by the U.S., using their scientific and technological expertise to help create the US space and weapons programs. The GN had a similar meeting in Huntsville in 2001.
The US is currently encircling Russia and China with MD systems based on Navy Aegis warships (SM-3 interceptor missiles) and with ground-based launchers (PAC-3 and THAAD). These systems are the ‘shield’ that would be used to pick-off Russian or Chinese retaliatory strikes after a Pentagon first-strike attack. MD systems were previously banned by the US-Russian Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty because they are destabilizing and give one side an advantage. George W. Bush pulled the US out of the ABM Treaty in 2001 and since that time the US MD program has been on steroids.
This conference, to be held in the heartland of the conservative south, will be a great opportunity for peace groups everywhere to learn more about the role of US MD systems which could be key triggers to start WW III. Help the growing global movement against MD and space weapons build greater opposition to these destabilizing programs.
We invite peace groups worldwide to become co-sponsors of this timely conference and to send representatives to join the protest at Redstone Arsenal on April 7 and the conference on April 8-9. Organizations interested in being listed as event co-sponsors are asked to pay $100 – $500 (whatever you can best afford).
More information about complete conference agenda will be available soon. Send inquires to the GN atglobalnet@mindspring.com or (207) 443-9502.