Peace Legislators Pledge

Candidates for public office in 2018 are making this commitment to the cause of peace.

Peace Legislators Pledge


Our aim is to advance the cause of peace in the primary and general elections of 2018. In a world ravaged by military conflict and fraught with the threat of catastrophic war using weapons of mass destruction, peace is everyone’s responsibility. Every citizen — certainly every political official, whether elected or appointed — is in a position to advocate for peace as a condition that enables human beings to go on living at all.

Peace Pledge

We are asking all political candidates and current officeholders — whether elected or appointed — to advocate for peace through non-violent resolution of international conflict, conversion from a military and fossil-fuel based economy to a sustainable economy that meets civilian needs, and international economic, educational, and cultural exchange programs.

In a world ravaged by military conflict and fraught with the threat of catastrophic war using weapons of mass destruction, peace is everyone’s responsibility — certainly the responsibility of every political official, whether elected or appointed. We are asking that candidates for political office and current office holders make the following commitment:

The Pledge

As a candidate for a U.S. public office in 2018 — or as someone currently occupying a U.S. public office, as the case may be — I pledge to support and advance these four aims:

  1. The non-violent resolution of international conflict.
  2. The abolition of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons.
  3. The sharp reduction of government military spending, and conversion from a military and fossil-fuel based economy to a sustainable economy that meets such civilian needs as health care, education, housing, mass transportation, renewable energy, and ending poverty.
  4. The provision of re-training and alternative employment for soldiers and military industry workers, enabling them to apply their experience and skills to civilian production.

In keeping with the above aims, I will not knowingly accept any campaign donations from military contractors or fossil fuel corporations.

Join the Campaign

Join us in asking candidates and public office holders at every level of service — community, county, state, and national — to sign this peace pledge. Discuss with them how they can advocate and act on behalf of the cause of peace. And educate your own community about war-and-peace issues. Contact us and we will work with you to make your peace activism most effective.

Political Candidates and Current Office Holders:
Sign the Pledge Here.

List of Signers

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