By Jerry Maynard with Campaign Nonviolence Houston

In a time where wars of all kinds are being waged around the world, Campaign Nonviolence-Houston is calling all peacemakers, organizers, activists, concerned parents, teachers, and do gooders to engage in a 30 day campaign of creative resistance to our world of war. During the month of November, we are launching this “hybrid campaign”, which combines online/social media activism with on-the-ground activism so that everyone can be involved in a meaningful capacity. Each day is dedicated to a different form of engagement and you are being invited to join in on this great work for a world free from war!

We have purposefully set up this campaign with forms of engagement that are based upon the model of resistance which Gandhi called “constructive and obstructive program”. We encourage you to go out into the public forum (online and in person), to “obstruct” business as usual. Choose to non-cooperate with the normal day-to-day training in violence that we undergo in our culture. Say no to violence through committing yourself to creativity. In committing yourself to being a creative being, you then begin to engage in “constructive” program, where you say yes to all that is productive, creative, fruitful, and sustainable. This is the lifestyle of the nonviolent and transformative.

Taking this month of November to engage in this type of action allows us to practice peacemaking in its most radical and practical aspects. However, we must remember that resistance should be consistent. Consistency is a key aspect of peacemaking that is often forgotten about; in fact, Mother Teresa once said, “we are not called to be successful, we are called to be faithful”. Fidelity to the mission is key for meaningful change. Keep this in mind while you engage in this 30-day campaign. We are inviting you to pick two days from the list below, and engage in those two forms of engagement for the month of November, then at the end of the campaign evaluate how everything went and keep it going as a regular part of your resistance!

Each day is as follows:

#MeditateMonday Take time on Monday to disarm your soul through the ancient practice of meditation.

#TruthfulTuesday Tell the “truth” of the effectiveness of nonviolent resistance, and the evils of war-making.

#WitnessWednesday Go out into the public world and be a visible witness to peace, justice, and decency through nonviolent, creative, and constructive actions.

#ThoughtfulThursday “We must practice personally, the peace we seek politically”. -Gandhi. On Thursdays strive to plant seeds of kindness and hope through doing thoughtful, compassionate, acts towards those you may not necessarily like/get along with. We do not have to get along, to go along.

#FastingFriday On Fridays, fast from two animal products and drink only water or tea. This will put your body into the struggle of resistance and give you a physical experience of the suffering the poor go through each day, due to the lack of resources.

#SocialSaturday Go out and build community by having a social event of sometime, where you build friendships, laugh, and grow closer as fellow peacemakers.

#ServiceSunday Go and be a warm body who is willing to engage in humble service for the most marginalized in our society.

As you go about your resistance during this campaign, be sure to take lots of pictures, videos, make meaningful connections, and share everything via social media. You can see that each day of the week has a hashtag assigned to it, so be sure to use those when you post online in addition to this campaign hashtag which is, #NoWarNovember. There is a Facebook group where people can share what they are doing and connect with others. Click here to see that group.

Blessings on your peacemaking! Be Bold! Be Beautiful! Be YOU!

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