Essential Knowledge for Transition
By Marco Vangelisti
Notes prepared by Russ Faure-Brac 3/19/2014
- What’s possible?
- Massive government employment program to:
- Rebuild our infrastructure
- Improve the education system
- Improve health care and prevention
- Climate adaptation
- Environmental restoration
- Rebuild the local food system infrastructure
- Repopulate rural areas and transition to organic agriculture
- Motivation
- The design of the money and banking system is directly implicated in all the largest problems we face:
- Increasing levels of debt (public and private)
- Economic instability
- Concentration of wealth
- Loss of democracy
- Environmental and climate disruption
- We cannot solve those problems without a radical redesign of the money and banking system
- Punch Lines
- All money is created as debt
- No money is created to repay the interests on the debt
- The private banking sector has the monopoly on money creation
- Money is an agreed upon fiction
- The debt-based money system is in the process of collapsing
- Definition and History of Money
- Three Ways a Sovereign Government Issues Fiat Money
- Spend it into existence
- Lend it into existence
- Borrow into existence (US and most modern governments with a private central bank!)
- Understanding Money Creation
- A $1,000 deposit creates a total of $10,000 in the system, given a 10% reserve requirement. System Design and Key Questions
- Bail-out and Bail-in
- Government Bailout
- Cyprus style bail-in
- Problems with the Current System
- Money is created with issuance of debt but no money is created to repay interest on that debt
- Impossible contract
- Debt repayments/defaults shrink money supply
- Money is created by unaccountable private entities, its quantity driven by profit motive
- We the people, through the taxing power of our government, are ultimate backers of money created and directed by banks
- Our money = banks’ IOUs
- Banks’ IOUs backed by banks’ risky assets
- Payment system linked to credit and investment risk
- Government on the hook when those risks blow up
- Bailouts require additional borrowing by government
- Moral hazard and perverse incentives
- Too-big-to-fail
- Systemic Solution and New Possibilities
- Our debt is our money supply
- What we need is a national currency
- How do we get out of this pickle?
- Remove the power of private banks to create money
- Return that power to a transparent and accountable process
- Create money free of debt
- Create money only when inflation is low and stable
- Make sure that new money goes into the real economy instead of financial market (or real estate speculation)
- Path toward the Solution
- Build understanding and awareness
- Build on public banking movement
- Nationalize to-big-to-fail banks (at the next crash)
- Break them apart and turn them and the rest of the banks into financial intermediaries
- Nationalize the Federal Reserve (branch of US Treasury) –depository of electronic money
- De-link money and payment system from assets of banks
- Promote a diversity of local monetary systems
- New Possibilities:
- Reduce power of private banks and money on government
- Remove artificial scarcity in the money system
- Government as employer of last resort
- National dividend until we reach full employment and full capacity utilization
- Reduce government and private debt
- Massive government employment program to:
- Rebuild our infrastructure
- Improve the education system
- Improve health care and prevention
- Climate adaptation
- Environmental restoration
- Rebuild the local food system infrastructure
- Repopulate rural areas and transition to organic agriculture